Game Review | Review Game Sniper Fury On Android [ENG] #3



Hallo stemiaan, good evening to you all we wish you guys in good health always, in these days of fun, come back with me @gamingprasetya here I will review about the game wearing a sniper weapon with mission mission dangerous with the title of this game "sniper fury" before I share about how to play this game I will discuss a little about this game.

Sniper fury is a game published by game loft with mobile plaform, which is where this game is the newest published would have been exciting, the game offers to play fury sniper shooter just as much as their FPS games which they publish before this game, which is only focused on the point that will be at the mission given the action certainly requires high accuracy would have been shot there, not here in the brutal shooting and yet you are going to different languages in a place somewhere where not in the know of the enemy where we are far away from the mission and we must not detected on the enemy and here you have to target the enemy from a distance.

 In this game you must complete a mission given 130 on this game which is from 130 that mission we will defeat the enemy is not only a man, here you should also destroy the armament such as tanks, helicopters and still many of the others.

In this game you must complete a mission given 130 on this game which is from 130 that mission we will defeat the enemy is not only a man, here you should also destroy the armament such as tanks, helicopters and still many of the others.

The effect of the use on the game can be said for wearing spiffy effect "BULLET TIME" effect in which it captures the event or events that dramastis when we are running the mission, focused on the effects of this head shoot, bullet time effect not only but in Add the effect of the extraordinary weather where this effect adds a cool graphics effects would have been like being in the real world. where the weather effects are in use such as rain, snow, and sand storms are still effects outstanding effects of others, but you must know of any effect that you will get more money because it certainly will affect the direction of the shot that will have you shot.

Before you play this game you definitely should download this game in play or otherwise store with free license, with the large size of this game 45.09 MB with so you should keep your smart phone's capacity of 45.09 MB and I suggest to do a download this game using this game using the wifi network because if if you either use internet packages with which you have certainly could deplete the internet package you have.

Here I play this game by using your smart phone sony z1 with the capacity of ram certainly qualify 2 smart phone to play this game is that where the terms in this game is 4.0.3 and above and with a smart phone that I have certainly support the exact 3D image quality that makes the images in this game is very interesting and certainly fun.

After you guys managed to download this game then you just open the game sniper fury and early in this game there will be the latest updates on this game which is where in the update done certainly add to the capacity of this game and the capacity of the smart phone should you provide will certainly more than your initial download again because you are adding to the update and no doubt this game will increase capacity. 

 After doing the update then it would appear to relate this game on an existing gmail account on your smart phone where to from this game to connect gmail account to perform data retrieval yourself to sign up as a player of this game Besides the functions of an Association of this game to the gmail account to do that where storage when you are at a level that far and you have an issue or another and your data is lost so you can link back to the games you play and continue the games you play with the terms you have to remember the user name and password that you use your gmail and if you forget it you will lose data and you cannot continue the game you play and this data retrieval of you can also make a purchase for the tools you want you can use the money in the early stages, namely by way of knowing date from you from your gmail, and you will be doing additional data such as age, sex, once you do connection with gmail then you will go in game tutorial where you will be notify basic from the player of this game. 

When you enter in game tutorial where you will be taught to run a mission that you'll play who where here you will be taught starting from observing the situation of the place where this place is the place to complete your mission that where you can shift right and left to see and observe the situation in which the target you can observe here that you will snap and you shoot when taught to observe situations that then you will teach the target aiming at commanded to us that where in this situation we can shift over to approach saving us down we will more clearly the direction of the bullet we will shoot with the book and we could make it easier for us because on your position with the enemy too far could up to 100 M with distance so far then you will be unknown enemy so from that we should be aiming for your enemies by means of sliding screens you up then the screen smart phone you'll be more focused to the enemy that we want to defeat and after that if we can shift the screen down so the screen will be as they are. and when you understand in these tutorials eat we will go to the next tutorial basis. This is the basis for playing this game is still a lot of things you must understand here and from the basis of this and when you used to play this game you will understand yourself. 

Once you are in order to observe the situation and circumstances in which you in this tutorial you are somewhere in the airport where you have to kill the guards that are 100 +-M where you already know this with your observations before that where the enemy we face is 1 person by wearing the complete weapons, from your existing commands in order to cripple the enemy in front of you which is where the distance between you and the enemy that is 100 M and with this you should sliding the screen upward to focus to the target that we want to disable that in this situation where we are not detected on the enemy where with unknown enemies then we should take heart that we may not be known to the enemy so the enemy would shooting at us and we didn't get to focus the shot to the enemy so from that you should be aiming for the enemies take heart and when your shots are already 100% appropriate targets in order then you direct your targeted enemy shot it previously you had to move fast because the enemy position and not maybe what you are targeting will not already on target then you should indeed pay attention to the enemy position when the enemy silently then you direct shoot till you targeting.

Next after finish the tutorial given then you will proceed to the first mission there which you have infiltrated at the airport where the airport has stringent care and we are commanded to crippling Babysitting and your position in the State infiltrate and you are far away from the enemy, and at the beginning of this mission you have to observe the number of enemies you will disable that where already in the observed enemy amounted to 2 people with complete weapons, and on the position and on the enemy located approximately 100 M, when you observe the situation there comes time where you'll be focusing shots towards the enemies that are far away from you make sure your shots are the enemy from a position of fitting and when enemy positions look still and off guard then you directly shoot the enemies who are at the focus of your screen and so till will die with the shot only once.

When you successfully complete missions given then you will go on display to upgrade the weapon you are using which looks powers this gun only half of its original strength and you have to do the upgrade a weapon which can add to the strength of the weapon you and fix the damage that exist because of the mission given the previous result in the weapon you suffered damage and you are commanded to do the repair on your weapons wear, which is a weapon that you wear evident here i.e. LARK-21 and you could see the power of this weapon shooting accuracy ranging from the number of bullets that can be in use and the level of control we used other weapons you can buy if you don't like it because it was only the beginning and the granting of the beginning of this game you can buy other weapons by way of doing a lot of mission and finish it then you'll get gifts of money when you have collected the money and enough to buy a gun you buy weapons directly in accordance with the amount you have and with so you can enjoy the other weapons.

After you complete the first mission then you will jump to the next mission where you in order to cripple the plane in order to guide the plane not to land perfectly on this mission which is visible on our screen shots, look There is the addition that is given after you perform the upgrade on your weapon that where detection of Eve you have weapons of the body which helps us in dewy conditions and possibilities if we didn't wear it you will not appear and we not able to see the presence of the enemy and with this detector makes it easy for you in weather conditions which are not obvious as dewy and others, in this second mission after you've detected the presence of the enemy then you shoot directly at the position of the Guide and the bloody area guides will be dead and the plane will be difficult to conduct the landing. 

After we finish the second mission then we will be in order to buy a gun where the shoot is different from the previous ones where the exact function of this shoot to cripple the enemy more quickly because we basically to do intrusion into the airport by approaching the airport we are closer to the enemy which direction till not far from us this 15 M from our position that where the position is initially 100 M so we need weapons for close range and quick to cripple the enemy thus we commissioned this weapon to buy weapons which is suitable to perform the close quarters and paralyzing the enemy depends on quick and visible weapon was named CATO SM-07-R1 with the ability we can see IE speed shoot it better than a weapon that we used before. 

After you purchase a weapon in order to buy then you will continue to use the weapons that you bought earlier at this position you are still at an airport where your position with the enemy getting closer that is 15 M a more or less where the enemy is seen there are three people and put a direct weapon where when you go into an arena of mission then you directly shooting at enemies that are before you because it differs from the earlier Mission in which you are not visible to the enemy and now you are at a short distance from the enemy then direct you and your enemies with weapons you buy direct previous offensives these three enemies that are before you because this mission is given on this mission that is crippling third the guard, and you have to be careful here because this weapon quickly it will be easy for the weapons you have will run out with the immediacy and when this happens you must then ducking to avoid enemy attacks and after charging it finished then you do direct attack and defeat an enemy who is there then the mission House at this level is completed. 

Okay here's what I can share in this game if you guys interested in playing with this game then you download this game at play store or such, and don't forget to follow me @gamingprasetya which I share about the gaming world certainly Hopefully this article can be of benefit to you guys who want to play this game, and don't forget my article.

 This is a collection of my games list of articles: 

Game Review | Review Game Soulcrat on android  #1 | [ENG]

Review game | game review "King Arthur" on android  #2

  Follow : @gamingprasetya 

ORIGINAL WRITING BY ME :  @gamingprasetya

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