JK Rowling's popular teenage series Harry Potter arrives in the game

Jane Rowling's popular teenage series, Harry Potter, has started working on the gaming screen, from the ninetic labs.

However, no information was given about what would be the story of the game, when it would be unveiled, from Pokémon, from the contingent lab.

The game will be brought in two versions of mobile and console. The details of the game will be announced in 2018, the company said.

The Pokemon game of Vinant Labs was so popular that within three days of the disclosure, five and a half percent of the smartphone in the United States was installed on Android smartphones.

Of those who installed the game on the phone, 60 percent played an average 43 minutes daily. Currently, the game is installed on six and a half million devices. The company hopes to be able to respond to Pokémon just as Harry Potter plays.

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