DeVCoin DeVCorp and the Devos Gang


Devcoin ( #DVC ) has a Telegram group or channel: ; this post began in that channel.

The "Devos" clan that #DeVCorp launched in #MUDgaard has thus far not launched a "Civilisation" but now that it has been decided that #MUDgaard player-accounts are available only to or through Civilisations maybe they will, and if not maybe whatever Civilisation turns out to be providing their player-accounts will consider offers from other DeVCoiners...

#CoffeeMUD (e.g. #MUDgaard) has a "clans" system offering quite a few different forms of "governance", see

#DeVCorp did not really take advantage of the selection available when the #Devos clan was created, or rather they chose to have #Devos be a "gang" governance for in-game convenience purposes in that only one character (the gang's boss) is needed to do things, no voting by other ranks of member such as some of the other choices of type/governance allow.

Some of the other types though might be useful, especially in cases where the goal is not to make things easier to change by having just one character that has all the priviliges. Some make it awkward sometimes to actually get things done though precisely because it does take a vote among some number of some rank of officers in order for a resolution to be passed and thus the proposed action to take place.

Possibly it might even be better for some such uses to launch another #CoffeeMUD server precisely in order to make use of its governance features. For example maybe it would be useful to have a server in which player-accounts only get to have one character, or even in which character accounts are used directly since if there is only going to be one character per player using a player-account to contain the character-account would seem-or-be redundant.

It is true that within the existing #MUDgaard server it would technically be possible to have different player-accounts having different settings, thus for example to have single-character player-accounts on that server, but it is hoped and preferred currently by me - the admin of the server - that that will not be necessary, as it seems so much simpler and less prone to potential errors or problems to have all the player-accounts on the server have the same capacity / capabilities.

Someday, when coding can be afforded, it might be nice even to have some kind of blockchain-checking added to #CoffeeMUD so we could do things like check whether a blockchain account wanting to log on to a character possesses some on-blockchain asset such as (for #DeVCorp characters) at least one "share" of #DeVCorp (sDVC).

That kind of capability would make it much more feasible to do something like provide share-owners with a character that is a member of a "clan" with a rank in that clan that permits voting.

Still though, the as-is system could be used in a way where the characters that get the voting ability are regarded as representatives of such shareholders as might have arranged to get them into that position, and just stay there by default until or unless the voting process itself is used to vote them out.

I think in most of the clan types that have voting applicants need to pass a vote anyway just to get in, so maybe whether or not actually being a shareholder matters probably depends upon whether the voters themselves choose to care whether the applicant is played by a player who owns any shares.

Typically a certain number or proportion of voters are required for resolutions (such as an application to become a member) to pass, so maybe you can see how requiring voting can clog up the processes of a clan, thus why #Devos was created as a "gang" rather than any type that would make even such ideally-simple things like accepting a new member have to hope enough players eventually log in, in time, to vote on such matters.

A table of the capabilities and ranks needed to get them on a clan type by clan type basis is at

Notice the "premise" column; that is the displayed "premise" of the clan, arbitrary text, so in clan types in which proposals to change that field are subject to a vote, it could be used to vote on arbitrary things simply by proposing to change the "premise" of the clan to some text describing some goal.

Also notice that the clans system is generic default of off-the-shelf #CoffeeMUD, so probably almost any #CoffeeMUD server anywhere could be picked by any group of people looking to make use of the clans system or they could fire up one of their own specifically for the purpose.

The premise or purpose of #DeVCorp itself is to promote / support the value of DeVCoin ( #DVC ); that implies that part of the purpose of creating the #Devos Gang on the #MUDgaard server was and is also at least partly to promote / support the value of DeVCoin.

A quick peek at #DeVCorp's slush-fund on the #HORIZON platform finds it currently holds 51 DeVcorp (shares of #DeVCorp, current Latest Rates value 1293585.17495779 #DVC per share), 37 #GFC (shares of General Financial Corp, current Latest Rates value 5039334.68333719 #DVC per share) and 2802.2 #GMC (currency of General Mining Corp, current Latest Rates value 7433.60058032 #DVC each).

The Devos Gang seems currently to be using seven #MUDgaard player-accounts, which brings to mind the discount "ten for the price of seven" aka "buy seven get three free".

Now that the pricing for #MUDgaard player-accounts has been decided it seems a decent time for #DeVCorp to look into launching a Civilisation, if only in order to administer such accounts. For the price of the seven accounts already in use by the Devos Gang, #DeVCorp could get "three free" to put to other uses or to allow the Gang even more expansion...

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