A re-write of the "day one" email of the No Upfront Cash mailing-list...


I noticed hardly anyone who opened No Upfront Cash's day one email, titled "[NoUpfrontCash] LeadsLeap is set up, what next?", was clicking through to the LFM Knotwork site, so I re-wrote it a bit. Time will tell whether this results in more clickthroughs.

It seems quite likely so far that almost no-one on that mailing-list ever comes here (to the HIVE blockchain) to read these posts but if/when they do and the version they had gotten was the old version, hopefully they will see this post and decide whether maybe they'd prefer to use this newer version for their own subscribers to their own copy/edit version of the list:

Greetings again from NoUpfrontCash!

By now hopefully you have your Leads Leap income stream set up and are either saving up (LeadsLeap balance and saved emails of this list for example) for an autoresponder or already got yourself an autoresponder (whether by upgrading to pro in Leads Leap or by some other means).

In the meantime, lets increase potential - and hopefully thereby also actual - earnings.

So far we have used a simple page that only deals with Leads Leap, so that our users need not worry, when promoting that page, that their own users they bring in might continue on ahead of them into deeper parts of the system.

It is always good to be considerate of your users, but a day WILL almost certainly eventually come when you will be faced with "downline builders" built into various tools that you use.

When your users follow you into that tool, it would be nice for you if you already had the downline builder inside that tool as completely filled-in as possible.

Because so far we have only used Leads Leap, it was nice to have a specialised page that doesn't have a "downline builder" in it so you didn't need to go get referral IDs for a bunch of other things to plug into that "downline builder".

Different people have different ideas about how to deal with "the downline builder problem"; one possibility is that if one of these emails brings in something that includes a downline-builder you wish to take some time to "fill in" before mentioning it to your own users you could make up some new emails of your own to keep your own subscribers busy until you have completed filling in that downline builder.

That assumes your own NoUpfrontCash mailing-list has already been fired up when a new email from this one comes in and turns out to bring up something that has a downline builder in it. If you are still just "saving up" the emails for eventual future deployment into a list of your own you have any amount of time you choose to take.

A very very important principle in online marketing is that you should ALWAYS get people on to your OWN list before sending them ANYWHERE!

Thus an important part of why Leads Leap was chosen as the starting-point for this email-list is not just the fact that as soon as you are able to upgrade to pro it provides full mailing-list functionality but also the fact that even with a FREE account you do still get a list. It does not have the ability to set up an "email series" to automatically go out to each user starting at the start when they join the list, but it IS a LIST and YOU SHOULD USE IT!

So if you are not doing so, please do look up how to use it and how to make "lead capture pages" for it so that instead of just sending prospects directly to Leads Leap, or even directly to the simple little Leads Leap Guide page we used so far, you instead CAPTURE them to a LIST OF YOUR OWN.

Of course Leads Leap does give you access to your "downline" but still, the principle of capturing everyone onto A LIST OF YOUR OWN is SO IMPORTANT that you should right away learn how it is done and practice it even if you are still only a free member of Leads Leap.

The "downline builder problem" though is ultimately not solvable. Most of the things plugged in to downline builders have downline builders of their own built into them nowadays, and so on "ad infinitum", downline builders all the way down. :)

Part of the usefulness of using mailing lists rather than downline-builder sites is that each user can make their own choice of what things to mention to their own subscribers. Once they have an autoresponder of their own they can go off on their own at any time.

Given Leads Leap's page maker, each user can actually build pages of their own mentioning ONLY tools they have signed up for already, so by making Leads Leap our starting-point we have already gone a long way in addressing this "problem" on behalf of our users.

That being the case, we might as well bite the bullet and get right to the main "hub" of this whole system, LFM Knotwork:


That site provides a very targeted downline-builder very carefully chosen to work about as well as is possible for the users of this list.

It also brings together some of the other major interests all of this will eventually be used to find interested people for, which is Crypto and Gaming, as in Play To Earn crypto gaming. Not casino gaming, roleplaying type gaming, "idle games" and such.

But don't worry about that part, you might well have specific interests of your own that you will steer your version of this system toward. The point is to get huge volumes of people going by, in other words, traffic, so that no matter what your ultimate end-game interests might be you maximise your chances of finding folk who are into that or even become interested as you over time mention a bit of it from time to time in the course of making traffic and money together.

Eventually if you have some "niche" you'd like to head toward, you will be able to use your No Upfront Cash system as a tool for those of your niche-buddies who'd like to help bring people in to be able to do so while being funded to do so; a self-funding marketing system you can ultimately use for any niche at all.

Expect future emails from this list to bring up things that are somewhere within the multiverse of sites branching off from that initial downline-builder so that anyone who skipped that site should nonetheless become more and more prepared for it as they continue to follow the list.

Meanwhile here is an alternative some of your subscribers might prefer to Leads Leap; like Leads Leap they only get the actual autoresponder when they upgrade, but the upgrade is cheaper. Like Leads Leap you can earn commissions even as a free member:


And here is another similar alternative:


-MarkM- (Knotwork, Makemoney Knotwork, etc)

The above is the part intended for you to copy (edited) for your own list.
Down here we can put things specific to our own version of this list...


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