Its like making an instant 30% on everything I put in!

I just checked my test LOBSTR account again, its only been eight days according to PEAKD since my last post, I have put in another 150 Stellar Lumens ( #XLM ) and yet the total estamated account value based on current values of everything in it is still more than 30% higher then the total I have put in!

That is kind of like instantly making 30% on what I put in, so it certainly seems worthwhile to keep on with the "put 1 to 3 Lumens into 1 to 3 or more coins each 1 to 3 days" experiment!


I do also still feel that I should start to offer some of what I have been accumulating back on sale at higher prices than I paid, a step I have not gotten to yet. Though there does not seem to be much urgency on that since afterall the whole design and tokenomics behind most of these assets is a long long long term slow but steady accumulation of value.

For those who have not been following along, read back over my post history, I have been calling this experiment a "small scale experiment" if you want to pick out just those posts from my history.

Basically the idea is simply to work with #Galactic-Milieu assets on the #Stellar platform, you can browse pages about them at, each of those pages includes a link to the "Stellar.Expert" explorer site where you can closely examine all #Stellar assets and accounts and transactions.

You can also find historical tables and plots of #Galactic-Milieu assets linked from

As usual of course this is just observations of how my own playing has been going, it should not be taken as financial advice it is just an example of what one player (and maybe a bunch of others following the same kind of strategy) is up to and how it has been going so far. As the saying goes past performance is no guarantee of future performance! But so far so good, I plan to keep at it...

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