It is true: over a decade yet still very much "early days"!


I have been investigating the idea of forming a 'Civilisation" in the #Galactic-Milieu, as well as what Civilisations are already known to exist there.

As I mentioned earlier one needs #GHC (General Hosting Corp) shares to be a Civilisation, and also you have to be a Civilisation order to own such shares.

Thus one needs to arrange to receive #GHC shares along with receiving or establishing a Civilisation.

I have learned that there are plans afoot to open up whole new planets to colonisation, over and above such planets as existing Civlisations have discovered near their own planet or planets by use of their Sensor technology. This apparently is currently made possible by the existence of Civilisations whose technology has advanced beyond, and sometimes far beyond, the technologies that can currently be implemented in #FreeCiv.

As I also touched upon even earlier there exist a number of Civilisations that discovered Warp technology thus the potential or actual ability to deploy Starships, but when exactly in history they accomplished this varies.

This has resulted in a high likelihood of more Civilisations progressing beyond the technologies that the Galactic Ruleset for #FreeCiv can implement by the time the Civilisation thus far know to require longer than any other to get to Warp technology actually does so.

Thus although it is known that the Brits of the planet known as B29 and the Canucks of the planet known as C29 will not independently discover Warp until so much later than the Martians of the planet known as M4 do or did that those particular Martians will probably be beyond the technologies currently represented in #FreeCiv and thus need to be "off stage", as it were, to the #FreeCiv theatre of play.

This has put those Martians in a position of needing to "ship out" from the vicinity of their home planet any Civilisations still found there, in order to hopefully get them migrated far enough away by the time those Martians reach the current limit of technologies implemented in #FreeCiv for those particular Martians to effectively be "off stage" so that we can continue onward through history to eventually reach the years the latecomers to the Warp drive based Starships scene start coming onstage.

Apparently those Civilisations that elected to "start from scratch" at 4000bc with no technologies at all and attempt to reach Warp as early as possible have been paying the monthly fee, based on square miles controlled by their Civilisation as reported by FreeCiv for the last turn of play actually executed so far for their planet ever since they discovered, or were discovered by, the #Galactic-Milieu, aka when they did their first superluminal flight or develped communicator technology).

Thus all the latecomers would be very pleased to see time catch up with the point where their attempt to attain Warp brought them up to so that they will be able to actually advance time (aka play more turns) on the planet they are paying so much per month to control "square miles" of!

If you are familiar with the #DUNE mythos you will presumably be familiar with the concept of a temporal nexus. The #Devtome wiki page I just provided a link to in the previous sentence actually contains some detailed year by year records of what it calls the Martian Spacefaring Nexus. #Devtome became read-only quite some time ago now so it has not been feasible to continue updating it with information about years played out since it became read-only.

That page also mentions the fact that it was not at that time yet known whether or not the Martians would somehow manage to show up at the planet known as E29 in time to somehow be of some kind of help to the hapless enemies of the Egyptians of that planet before they are all (or all but one maybe) wiped out.

That "all but one" comment refers to the apparent likelihood that in actual played turns the game "ends" if there is only one Civlisation remaining on the planet, thus that those Egyptians will need to keep a "pet" Civilisation alive in order to be able to continue playing turns.

Apparently the Galactic Diplomacy Planet though, as represented using #FreeCiv, started out with just the United Nations on it and has proven able to play out turns. Thus the current state of suspicion that maybe the code that "ends" the game if there is only one Civilisation left only gets executed if something happens in play that causes there to only be one left; so it seems possible still that if for example a Starship of another Civilisation were to visit in a way the necessitated or caused its own Civilisation to have to be added into that planet's list of Civilisations an end-of-game could be triggered when it left again causing the planet to have one extant Civilisation (the United Nations) and one defunct one (the visitor's Civilisation).

The Italians I mentioned earlier supposedly hail from, or are descendants of folk who hailed from, the planet known as E29 who were among those that some players - including those Italians or descendants of Italians mentioned earlier - to this very day as I write still hope can somehow, thanks maybe or likely to those Martians, can somehow have been helped or saved back in those times long ago between the Martians discovering Warp and the Eqyptians doing so.

Ha, I am almost done; it remains only to point out that the above information does indeed confirm that it is indeed still very much "early days", full of opportunity. In particular, the opportunity still exists to have been in control oneself that long long time ago of a Civilisation that the Martians migrated toward "on stage" in the course of their own attempts to move their original home-planet "off stage".

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