Exploring the Capitol of the Galactic Diplomacy Planet


I already wrote about my first attempt to create a non-fantasy character in the #Galactic-Milieu's "CrossCiv" #Crossfire-RPG server (tell your #Crossfire-RPG client to connect to CrossCiv.knotwork.com server).

As I recounted in that post I was unlucky with the extra skill humans get in the form of a skill scroll, getting a "fantasy" skill thus disqualifying that character from being a "non-fantasy" character and thus disqualifying it from starting on the Galactic Diplomacy Planet of the #Galactic-Milieu.

I use the "GTK" #Crossfire-RPG client (in Ubuntu 18.04 its as simple as "sudo apt-get crossfire-client") which supports player-accounts containing multiple characters, so trying again was as simple as starting a new character using the same player-account.

I think the "java" #Crossfire-RPG client might still not support player-accounts, just characters directly, so if you choose to use that client you would pretty much as simply create a new character but the two characters would be unconnected until maybe some day you used a client that does support player-accounts and merged your characters into one player-account.

This time around the extra-skill scroll that I got gave me "karate" skill, that is an "unarmed combat" skill that typically does better damage than the more mundane "punching" unarmed-combat skill. But hey, as a Warrior I prefer to use a broadsword anyway. :)

I went with the same "attribute" allocation, which was easy as I hadn't killed my client so that was all still set up from the previous attempt.

As I write now, I already did a few sessions; this login I again woke up in the School House which is where I have been staying, and this time I reached "level" ten before even leaving the schoolhouse.

Doing the traps training though I still managed to trigger two of the "rune of confusion" traps, so my level 4 in "find traps" skill and level 4 in "disarm traps" skill obviously still needs work since afterall those are just schoolhouse practice-traps; I can probably expect traps out in the wild to be more difficult to deal with. So I plan to return again to the schoolhouse this trip too; I likely will not "move out" from there until I at least manage to clear the practice-traps without incident.

On the bright side though, both times that I did trigger one of the runes of confusion I resisted the confusion! So I am maybe not such a pushover for them as I was at lower "levels".

Above is a shot of the map view showing me outside the schoolhouse, my back to it, facing some kind of castle-like structure that apparently is "closed".

#Crossfire-RPG uses a powerful but simple command known as "apply", usually bound to the "a" key on the keyboard and also done by clicking the middle mouse-button; entry into buildings, staircases and such as well as opening ("applying") chests and lots of other things are all accomplished using the one simple action. So by walking (or running, using the "ctrl" key along with a direction key) around and "applying" buildings one can check them all to see whether they are "closed"; if they are not, presto you get transported onto a map of the interior.

Exploring like that I found that those tiny little keeps (little grey things) mostly are entire dwellings! I could not enter them but did come across a real estate shop where I will eventually be able to buy a key to such a residence if I choose to. (Currently I cannot afford such a luxury, though I have upgraded my equipment a little and am starting to build some savings in my handy little valuables-pouch.)

The first thing I was looking for my last few expeditions was reading-material. Signposts don't seem (at least typically) to give literacy experience but books typically do, so basically I was looking for books.

I followed that road north and then west, past the north gate, and found a small building with a chequered roof...


...which turns out to be a Chess Club...


The bookshelf in the north-west (upper left) corner of the main room is yet another thing you can "apply" to open it, and it contains a couple of books, which of course I left-click to "identify" for some literacy experience points then middle-click ("apply") to "read" them for more literacy experience. I discovered this place on my first trip outside of the schoolhouse so I have been coming here and doing this on every trip, it is part of how I got to "level 10" (general experience, the total of all the experience I have accumulated among my various specific skills) in so few trips.

You can see in the image that rooms to either side have chessboards set up ready to play. The idea apparently is players can meet here and use their characters to play chess with each other.

For more serious "play", the arena-looking building across the street is in fact an arena, apparently characters can battle one-another there, at least they can if they still have a ring-finger since apparently the loser loses a ring-finger!

Next I go out that northern gate, head west, and enter the gate of the "west end" compound, where the books in the schoolhouse told me I can find a free reference-library...


That yellow building with the green roof and the chevrons on the front beside the north gate is a recruiting office, where the Manchu Marines provide various propaganda books and recruitment letters that are another good source of literacy experience; the yellow and red building beside it is a building supplies shop that has books about how to use such supplies, which is another good source. The similar-looking building near the lower right (south-east) in the image is the free reference library. So all-in-all west end is a great place to practice reading (and identifying readable items before actually reading them, of course) and a big part of why I am already at "level 10".

There are some other interesting things in the west end, and of course there is a library over in the Primate's Quarter for those who can afford 5 platinum coins to get in or a couple hundred or more platinum coins for a membership card that gives access to a lot more, and higher-experience, books than the five platinum gets you into, but for now I will leave you here, hopefully to explore the rest of West End, and maybe even find the Primate's Quarter (eastward rather than westward from the Governor's Quarter) by yourself...

Happy exploring! :)

Oh by the way, apparently warriors do not automatically get "oratory" skill; the folk who led me to think that must have gotten it from their "extra skill" scroll or maybe were created so long ago they were under a whole different version of #Crossfire-RPG in which warriors did get such a skill.

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