Get abs fast? Comment faire?

The secret to seeing your abs appear quickly is...

The legend of chocolate bars obtained through repeated sessions of abs is very tenacious: it is based on the preconceived idea that one quickly develops one's abdominal strap by doing abdominal exercises under the pretext that these would reduce fat in the abdomen.
Sorry to break the myth, but it is impossible to reduce body fat in a targeted way because it is present throughout the body.

The key to getting your abs to appear quickly is to concentrate on reducing body fat to release your muscles. By reducing your body fat alone your abdominal muscles should appear and if you want to speed up the process, you can then combine a diet adapted to a regular cardio and strength training.

Before reading more about the method proposed by fitness-clubs. be, here are some tips from a pro:


For quick results, the following 3 dietary habits are required:

Drink water, 1 to 3 litres per day. It has been scientifically proven that water optimizes the body's general functioning in terms of hydration and toxin cleansing.
People who regularly drink water more easily lose weight for longer periods of time.
Avoid eating fats and refined sugar. It is no longer a secret for anyone, lipids and carbohydrates are the main responsible for the fat stored in the lower part of the stomach. Avoid consuming lipids during your diet and strongly moderate consumption of sugars especially at the end of the day.
Hello proteins, fruits and vegetables. From morning to evening, make yourself an unrestricted meal of animal/vegetal protein, raw fruits and vegetables (all types) / cooked (preferably green vegetables).

Fast results mean constant and regular efforts. The golden rule will be to do 45 minutes of physical activity 5 days a week, which is only 2.5% of your time. You are free to choose the content of each session but over the week you will have to alternate cardio and muscle strengthening exercises.


Day 1: run calmly for 30 minutes and follow up with 15 minutes of muscular reinforcement in a static position (bellyboard, lateral and ventral board covering).
Day 2: Do a complete weight training session (all muscles of the body, several repetitions for each muscle group)
Day 3: Play a team sport or go swimming.
Day 4:30 minutes of cycling and a 15-minute session of abdominal exercise to motivate yourself psychologically.
Day 5: Interval training, alternate for 45 minutes between high intensity and low intensity recovery exercises.

Report results / time

Insufficient result after 2 weeks;
Satisfactory result after 1 month;
Good result after 1 month and a half;
Very good result after 2 months;
Optimal result after 2? months.

This type of diet will logically lead to a general weight loss (mainly fat) ranging from 5kg to 15kg for 2.5 months, depending on the level of attendance and quality of the diet and sports.

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