It's ICO time for the! Another successful NEP-5 token launching on the NEO platform..

The is an affiliate marketing platform based on the NEO Blockchain. The Gagapay network wants to revolutionize the way affiliate marketing works. If you have ever been involved with affiliate networking as an affiliate, you will have encountered some very inconvenient problems.

The reliability of the 'affiliate programs' is questionable:

While you might be trying hard to create quality content, well-position your affiliate links and funnel your clients to the appropriate landing page of the product or service you want to earn a commission for, you might get a problem with someone just trying to 'steal your commission'. Nowadays this is easily done by bots that spy the landing page, and have the capability to 'kill' your cookie and replace it with theirs.

In order to understand the problem, it's important to know here that this cookie represents the only proof that the client was referred through one of your referral links.

Sometimes there might even be a deliberate action to tamper with the results by the affiliate network in order to favor some super affiliate.

Now let's say that your affiliate network, does its job correctly and you see your commission in your control panel. Know that the journey is not over. First of all, the client of the affiliate network still has to pay his or her bills before you will ever see a dime sent to you, and then you'll still have to wait months before you can access your funds.

The solution

While the list of problems with affiliate marketing platforms does not end here, I am quite happy to see that a blockchain based smart marketing platform in the form of, is being launched.

Gagapay wants to allow their clients to create their own affiliate and bounty campaigns on the blockchain on a subscription basis.

The use of smart contracts secured by the blockchain, offer the transparency that is needed to restore trust, as the events on the blockchain cannot be falsified. As an affiliate, you can also rest assured, that your payout will happen instantly once the pre-written requirements of the smart contract are filled. On top of that Gagapay will be powering their ecosystem with prepaid debit cards and pluggable solutions for fiat, crypto and other 'cool' stuff. The GTA token will be used to pay for the subscription service and for other pluggable solutions that hey will offer.

So..., great news! I can't wait for Gagapay to be launched, but first things first. The Gagapay team is currently allowing you to participate in their crowd sale or ICO. Now, they are having an early bird 30% offer, so If you are interested, now is the time. Do follow them on their social networks and help them spread the word. You can earn some extra free coins by joining their bounty program.

Hope you find this post helpful, do give me a thumbs up if you do! Thanks!

You can find more information here (with my affiliate link, if that's ok?):


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