GADGET#23: AIRY - natural air purifier

AIRY - natural air purifier                             

Today I ordered this great gadget. Plants are able to filter and clean the air and convert pollutants into nutrients. But 90% of this process happens in the root of plants. Usually the roots are covered so the plants can only work at a minimum level to clean the air. Airy lets the roots breathe and reaches much higher level or purification. 


It looks great too won a Design Award

It comes with all the things you need 

And will help you breath clean air at home or at work

Very good Gadget if you want to clean your air

I really like the natural way how this gadget cleans the air. Using mother nature is the best way to go.  The toxic home syndrome won't bother you anymore. There is paint, glue and other stuff which emits harmful pollutants which are eliminated through Airy. I am going to test this and if it's good I will put it in all my rooms..

Did you know there is a lot pollution in your home ???

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