BlockTrades, fyrstikken, venuspcs, and ervin-lemark are my momentum on steemit. Whales, dolphins and big minnows.

@blocktrades is without a doubt, the reason I work for an upvote. He gave me my first sweet taste of a powerful upvote. For @blocktrades, it's as simple as pushing the upvote button one time, and it feels like I just won the lottery. Or maybe it feels like the terrible news of a terminal illness being erased with a new healthy diagnosis. Thats who @blocktrades is. When you see his upvote, you know one day, you will find your way out of this minnow shit hole.

Now when it comes to my daily life and my reality. I'm not worth much investment, unless my content connects with you. @fyrstikken is an example of a dolphin's power in upvoting a post. When a dophin like @fyrstikken likes your reply or your story, you're looking at a major boost in morale. He has a power to move that post to .$$ from 0. Not sure how it's calculated but he can influence your post considerably. I love him for that. Plus he has some of the most entertaining content on Steemit. @fyrstikken is a true artist.

Now my most important upvoters are minnows or baby dolphins. @venuspcs is the upvote I hope to get once a day. His power is substantial and is probably a baby minnows only hope to put $.0$ at pay out. I'm most thankful for his upvote. @venuspcs is my muscle and I appreciate any and every reply or upvote.

@ervin-lemark is absolutely my courage to do battle out there in the steemit. He is comparable to william wallace, as I fight next to him on the battle field. He is there to pick me up and save my post from being worth nothing in 24 or so hours. It means it wasn't in vain, and I have enough to take another possible beating for my cause. @ervin-lemark is the coolest big brother to grow up with.

Most of us who've been on steemit for weeks or months, have an example of my power. All us minnows appreciate your upvote support. I know that I'm loyal and will do what I can to support my followers.

Thank you for reading my story.

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