Future Memory

I remember it as if it was yesterday.
It was evening. The sun was setting on the horizon and its light reflected off the R.S.V. Balaena. My dream was complete. Only now did I realize that I made it, but it wasn't time to celebrate yet. I stood on the platform, with a beautiful view over the ocean. I gave the signal to flood the dry dock. The water rose, surrounding the submarine. I smiled as my artwork, my creation, my masterpiece was finally in the element she was made to be in. I let the Balaena soak in the water, to give her a taste before I let her free into the ocean. I opened the gates giving way to freedom, and a world waiting to be discovered. My body felt electric, my heart was running and sweat was running down my head. I signaled the crew to start her up. It took me forever to speak the words, I was so nervous. And then she woke up. The water around the propellers started deforming. The 250 meter long submarine started moving slowly out of the dry dock while pushing elegantly the water out of the way. She got faster but her motors stayed quiet, they made not one sound. As if a phantom was gliding through the water. Even the water , instead of splashing around, made no sound and moved along the submarine, as if it wanted to stay with her as long as it could. Then the Balaena reached her top speed of 32 knots. She was sailing out to the seemingly endless ocean. The sun turned her hull gold, which made her look even more majestic. I screamed out of happiness. All the workers and engineers cheered and applauded as this masterpiece was sailing towards the setting sun. There was just one thing left to test. I gave the command and the submarine dove, displacing 80 000 tons of water. She was on her way to a trench that was nearby, which wouldn't be a problem for any other submarine, but due to the size of the R.S.V Balaena, it is a challenge that she must overcome. She reached it and made the first turn with ease. However, the next one was a tricky one, even for smaller submarines. 100 meters away from the turn the connection to the submarine was lost. Fear built up in me. The loss of contact was to be expected, but the fear of losing everything I had fought for was still there. But there was nothing I could do, so I waited... ...and waited. It felt like forever, and then there she was. The front jumping out of the water. Her hull was a bit scratched up but that didn't bother her the least. She sailed back to the dry dock with such elegance and power and there I knew, I had made it! The crew told me that the Balaena had hit the side of the trench and some rocks crushed the communication array. I broke down and started crying out of happiness. I gave my contribution to humanity. I discovered things that nobody had before. I changed the world. And, I wasn't even done...

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