Third Industrial Revolution

The Third Industrial Revolution
(By Vic Buaquen)
• Half of humanity benefitted from the first two industrial revolutions while 40% with $2 daily income or less, are worse off than before said industrial revolutions. The very wealthy ones tremendously benefitted with the 62 richest individuals today owning as much as the combined wealth of half of the world’s population.
• Our way of life is destroying the environment and killed 95 % of the species of life on earth. The reality of destructive and killer hurricanes, recurrent and devastating floods, earthquakes, droughts, widespread fires and the unchanging Schumann resonance so vital to earth life has more than doubled in 2014, are upon us. The world is on an exponential curve to destruction and man is teetering on the brink of extinction. What do we do from here?
• The first industrial revolution occurred in the 19th century, the second in the 20th. The third industrial revolution has begun in Europe with China vigorously pursuing it too. The Philippines, like China, never directly benefitted from the first two, but owe it to itself to pursue this emerging third one and join an awakening world. Third world countries, for their lack of infrastructure, are better suited to adapt to this third industrial revolution than the developed countries. It is much easier to build a new structure in an empty space than to retrofit an existing old structure that outlived its usefulness.
• The third industrial revolution is seen as a convergence of communication, energy and transportation that would require a far-reaching and an all-encompassing change in man to include a change in awareness to the changing of the constitutions of all countries in the world. Time to manifest the primacy of Love in our reality and our very being? Time to recognize our Oneness with everything and everyone?
• Our sense of identity as sovereign individuals will be shifting to being a part of world community. Freedom shall be seen no longer from the perspective of individual humans but from that of collective humanity.
• Decision making shall also be shifted to collective lateral coordination of the masses and no longer by any central authority or one leader dictating to the many, apparently leading to a more democratic existence.
• This write-up is a simple invitation for interested individuals to take a look whether the Third Industrial Revolution does hold a promise for a better tomorrow. Time to act and respond to the urgency of the moment?

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