Transport in the Future! - by @awgbibb

Wayne and I just brought a 1963 Datsun 320 LDV home on a Trailer this morning . from Kempton Park, needs a lot of TLC.

This is the Model that actually Revolutionised the Sale of smaller LDV's which is now a major segment of new Vehicle Sales!

Will do a post on it soon.

Got me thinking a bit on where the market would be going in the future for Transport , in General?

When in Doubt , I head for YouTube!

You have to admit this is really interesting?

I find these sort of things very captivating , and after watching the above , I had to know what was coming with more personalised Transport!

This is what I discovered!

I am positive that I could have a very happy relationship with one of the above?,

one drawback, I have always worked on my own vehicles, these would be a real challenge!

All Videos appear courtesy of YouTube, not my property.

Hope you find these as fascinating as I did?

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