Liquid Cooled Fan Fursuit System


hope ur gunna put a fan or 2 in there u gunna need it! id imagine a liqiuid cooled system attached to fans would work better though. have pipes that run threw the suit like a mesh. honestly im shocked ive never heard of or seen that . theres 0 reason u cant be 100% comfortable 1 in any costume or whatever.

came up with while looking my first fursuit maker make a suit post on steemit=

Also to help with figuring out optimal suit cooling use a thermal camera like the $250~$350 ish FLir smartphone camera attachment. Although if your trying 2 be professional and have the $ id get one of the higher resolution standalone one's.

So basiclly think of it like this a liquid cooled graphics card or cpu or ram on a computer but you have like a mesh that runs throught the whole suit hooked up to external fans built into the suit that are in the back and fairly small and you can easily cover if u want to.




Fan Tubing &heat sink


Of course reversely saw you live in a insaenly cold climate like fucking antartica or pluto you could use such a system minus the fans of course 2 circulate heat throughout a costume/fursuit or whatever that's hooked up to a power supply. or advanced minitaurised energy harvester/generator device.

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