Cult of the Jerker desk

I had been thinking I need to de-clutter my study and part of that is clearing my desk a bit. Part of the problem is that it can hold so much and so it tends to accumulate junk. My desk is an Ikea Jerker (some of the links on that old site are broken and Ikea does not list it any more).


Yes, I know it is a mess. That is why I am trying to bring some order to it. Note the profusion of guitar picks and a few old CDs. In the video below I forgot to mention I also have a bracket down on the right to hold a tower PC. I did have one on there for a while.

Ikea do not do the Jerker desk any more. It was still available in 2005. I have most of the accessories, but not the drawers. I could use those. The Jerker Searcher site for these links has lots of cool ideas for modifications. You can get some strip lights from Ikea that might be cool if fitted under the shelves.

For more general Ikea hacks see Ikea Hackers.

It looks like the nearest equivalent in the current Ikea catalogue is the Fredde. It has a few shelves, but lacks the option to expand it.

I have been tempted to get myself a 3D printer. If I did then I could print off various accessories. A headphones hook would be useful. Maybe someone could make me a couple and I would pay for them. Probably best if they are in the UK to keep postage costs down.

I found I had done a previous Ikea post that includes my song about that store. There has not been a huge change in my setup over two years, but I see I had a couple of plants on the desk back then.

Now where's my hex wrench?

The geeky guitarist and facilitator of the 10K Minnows Project.

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