Steemit Induced Psychoses and Emergency Care

Be a responsible Steemian!

I have observed that there is a significant risk of developing one of several platform induced psychoses on Steemit. It is therefore of utmost importance that I write this guide to Steemit Psychoses and their Emergency Care.

For the sake of the community and the well being of all please read, memorize and resteem this post to all who might be at even the slightest risk.

Institution for Steemit Induced Psychoses - Source

Blockchain Schizophrenia

The term blockchain schizophrenia refers to a type of psychosis in which a person experiences some psychotic symptoms for at least three months, with a significant decline in the person’s ability to function. The symptoms and length of the illness vary from person to person.
The psychotic symptoms are often brought about by prolonged exposure to the disparities between fiat currencies and crypto currencies. The individual routinely experiences a dissociation between the two “realities” and the associated confusion. A common diagnostic expression is “I’m a millionaire but I have no money” when referring to their Steem Power versus their fiat bank account.

Emergency Care:

Try to return the individual to a familiar environment free of Internet access. Encourage simple, daily routines familiar to the individual. Focus on basic needs like eating, sleeping, and other biological drives.

Steem Power Schizophreniform Disorder

This type of psychosis is the same as schizophrenia except that the symptoms have lasted for less than three months. The illness may completely resolve or may persist and progress to other psychiatric diagnoses, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or schizoaffective disorder. It often manifests immediately after the individual’s concerted attempt to understand the various manifestations of Steem currency (Steem, Steem Power, and Steem Dollars) while simultaneously attempting to convert between each. Staring blankly at the Wallet screen while mumbling inarticulate sounds is a classic presentation. Occasionally, violent behavior is exhibited towards the screen.

Emergency Care:

Immediately attempt to re-frame the individual’s perception of their goals. Assure them that it’s not about understanding the details at this early stage but rather staying focused on building a following.

Whale Induced Bipolar Illness

With this type of illness the symptoms of psychosis relate more to mood disturbance than to thought disturbance. A person will experience mood elevations (mania) and sometimes depression, which may persist or fluctuate in intensity. When psychotic symptoms arise, they often reflect the person’s mood. For example, people who are depressed may hear voices that put them down. People who are experiencing an elevated mood may believe they are special and are capable of doing amazing things. This condition is induced by the individual’s realization of the vast, irreconcilable, disparity between themselves (minnows) and the Whales. It often follows a somewhat monetarily successful post ($10-20) which brings about the mania associated with relative success; soon after the individual sees a whale post of a single picture in photography forum that earns $100-300. Depression quickly ensues. This illness ONLY afflicts minnows and usually only after they have been on the platform for several months.

Emergency Care:

The only known care for this illness is for a magnanimous Whale to delegate/transfer or generally bequeath sufficient Steem Power to the afflicted individual thereby boosting their rewards to the next level. While this action is NOT curative it is sufficiently palliative to mitigate most of the more painful symptoms.

Zombiod Schizoaffective Disorder

During this type of psychosis, a person will experience symptoms of schizophrenia and symptoms of a mood disturbance, either at the same time or alternating over time. It is commonly encountered by those who have attempted to navigate too many the various Steemit related sites, Discord Channels, and Chats simultaneously. In this environment it is precariously easy to loose ones sense of self and related identity.

Emergency Care:

Most often this is related to a sleep deprivation crisis brought about by prolonged attempts to maintain the multitude of threads. Treatment is to restore a normal sleep pattern.

Distribution Depression with Psychotic Features

Sometimes a person will experience a severe depression with symptoms of psychosis without the mania associated with bipolar disorder. This type of depression is referred to as a psychotic depression or depression with psychotic features. This is one of the most disturbing of all the possible illnesses as it is TOTALLY avoidable and only affects dolphins and below. The depression is brought on by the stark realization that the wealth distribution curve of Steemit is extremely exponential favoring but a VERY few of the VERY early adopters. Namely those who mined the currency before the masses even knew there was a currency to be mined.

Emergency Care:

There is currently no known treatment or cure for this disorder.

Platform-induced psychosis

Just as the use of drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, LSD, amphetamines and alcohol can sometimes cause psychotic symptoms to appear, so also abuse of the Steemit platform will result in similar symptoms. An even more severe manifestation can be seen when the user combines the above drugs with platform abuse. Once the effects of the platform, drugs or alcohol wear off, the symptoms of psychosis will usually resolve. However, the symptoms themselves may require medical treatment.

Emergency Care:

The best approach is a preventive one in which moderation is applied. If the individual cannot control him/her self then it is up to the community to care for its members.

Hardware Related Organic Psychosis

Symptoms of psychosis may appear as a result of a physical illness or a head injury. A thorough medical examination should be conducted to rule out or confirm this type of psychosis. This examination may involve some tests or investigations such as a brain scan. This condition only effects those who interact with hardware, typically Witnesses as they build their servers. The most common accident occurs through improper contact with UPS batteries. As a side note if the individual already suffers from severe forms of depression the resulting Electro Convulsive Therapy (ECT) might actually prove beneficial.

Emergency Care:

Immediate action is a trip to the Emergency Department at your local hospital to treat the associated physical injury.

Brief Flag Psychotic Disorder

Sometimes symptoms of psychosis come on suddenly and, in some cases, are triggered in response to a major stress in the person’s social media life, such as being flagged by a Whale for a difference of opinion. This type of psychosis usually lasts less than a month.

Emergency Care:

There is no emergency care but preventative care includes NOT pissing off Whales!

Minnow Delusional disorder

This type of psychosis consists of very strong and fixed beliefs in things that are not true. Changes in perception, such as hallucinations, are not seen in this illness. A delusional disorder does not usually affect a person’s ability to function. Another disorder that mostly effects minnows. Typical manifestation is the notion that one’s post actually has merit and means something so someone. As we all know the typical minnow post is visible for about 6 microseconds before it slides into oblivion. But one suffering from delusional disorder don’t yet believe this.

Emergency Care:

No emergency care is needed. If the individual remains on the Steemit platform he/she will soon adjust their sense of self-worth. Those who can’t adjust usually leave.


It may be difficult to make a diagnosis in the early stages. Therefore it may not be helpful to focus on a particular diagnosis. It is also important to remember that everyone’s experience of psychosis is different. Course and outcome will vary from person to person.

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