Shades in Grey (it's not the f*****g Algarve)

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One day last year I was driving into town to visit my local opticians, because 24 hours earlier I had unintentionally commited the ultimate sin of spectacle owners by placing them momentarily upon the chair while I cleaned up. The heart of the sin being my mistaken assumption that I would remember that they were there before I sat down. But as the destination of my journey most likely highlights here: I did not! ;-)


It was a fairly dreary and overcast morning, gloomy and grey (maybe even a little drizzle here and there) but it was quite common for that time of year in the good old United Kingdom. I parked up, got out of the car, paid my for ticket and strolled into the town center. That was when this young(ish) gentleman exited the Video Game shop stuffing his surprisingly lengthy receipt into his wallet following a recent purchase, and as he passed me he quite literally did a double take, peering at me as if a Martian had beamed down right in front of him. Then he said with a perplexed grin on his face: "It's not the f*****g Algarve, you know!?" He was right of course, as Portugal was indeed over a thousand miles south from our location at that time, but cutting a long story short, this most bizarre occurrence of stating the blatantly obvious by a complete stranger was all because I was wearing my sunglasses, on such a cloudy and dull day.


My defence (not that I need one) was due to the fact that I need glasses to legally drive my car. So with my primary pair all but unwearable, I had to wear my sunglasses as they were prescription lenses; but I had forgotten to leave them in my car when I parked. But to this guy I may as well have been wearing a welders mask! I've actually known other people with similar perceptions, who have a very rigid sense of when something should be used or worn. To these people, sunglasses are only for when it's sunny. Shorts are only for when it's warm or while working out. So to see someone wearing sunglasses on a overcast day, or dressed in shorts when it's raining, somehow acts like a glitch in their system of what is right and what isn't. Like Agents of their own little Matrix, your anomylous behaviour messes with their sense of reality to the point where they must actually correct you.


But why shouldn't I wear sunglasses on a overcast day? I often see people wearing football shirts in the high street, nowhere near a playing field. I regularly see people wearing running shoes in the supermarket, miles from the nearest sports track. Should I correct them? Personally I think that unless that individual is your paid fashion advisor (and even the only if you care) then wear whatever the hell you want, however you want and whenever you want. Even if you want to wear sunglasses at night or socks and sandles (as socially maligned as these trends are) then go right ahead and do so. Don't ever be afraid to glitch that Matrix :-)

© Westley Nash (2018)

Additional images by Pixabay

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Best wishes
Westley xx

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