A useful German word without an English counterpart

Hi everyone!

Today I'm going to share a German word with you that you've definitely needed many times till now, for which there is no English translation, as I've just noticed!

Have you ever had that unbearably dissatisfactory moment, after a heated argument or debate with someone, that you could have said this or that, as a witty comeback, but it is just too late because the argument is over?

In German, we call such unfortunately belated comebacks a "Treppenwitz". In this case, the word "Treppe" means "stairway" and the word "Witz" means "joke". So it would mean a "stairway joke" if directly translated.

The reason it's called that is to imply that a belated comeback would be like a joke made by a person visiting a house as a guest and telling a joke while leaving, while walking down the stairs! :D

Here is how this word is pronounced: https://forvo.com/word/treppenwitz/#de

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