"Uncle Stephen, you have Dancers Hip..!!"


While Trump is off changing the World I wanted to tell you a quick story about what started off as just a slight pain in my left leg.

About 2 years ago I noticed I was getting a dull pain around my hip that extended down the side of my left leg.

At first I ignored it but over a couple of years I noticed it was getting a little sore.

Just before Christmas last year I was lying on the sofa watching TV and noticed the pain was getting worse.

As I rotated my leg to my horror I suddenly heard a snapping sound coming from inside my hip..!!

The more I rotated it, the louder and more painful it was.

I thought my leg was about to fall off..!!

Fast forward to Christmas, enjoying some time with my family, I just happen to mention that I had self diagnosed myself with "Loose Leg Syndrome".

A puzzled family ask me to show them what I meant. 

Lying on the sofa I stretched out and I began to rotate my leg.

"Snap".....!! There it was, right in front of the family.

Both my Nephews heard it straight away and whilst I was talking to the rest of the family who were puzzled at what they had just heard, out came the laptop.

Within a few minutes my 2 Nephews had made a full diagnose.

"Uncle Stephen, you have Dancers Hip..!!"

Finally I went to see the Doctor

Today I finally went to see the Doctor and told him about my "Loose Leg / Dancers Hip"..!!

At first I didn't think it was professional to see my Doctor rolling around on the floor but eventually I made my way on to the couch where, yes you've guessed it, nothing..!!

Apart from making it sore the hip just didn't want to play.

The Doctor didn't question what I was telling him as he did say that you couldn't make a story like that up.

I am now booked in for an X-Ray next week just see if they can spot anything wrong.

I will keep you posted on the results but in the meantime if anyone out there have fallen over on the dance floor with Dancers Hip it would be great to hear how you got up..!!

Thanks for listening.

Stephen (lol)

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