Steemit Guide! How to Use Tags!

Hello and welcome to my comprehensive guide on how to use tags correctly on the social media blogging site!

I understand that if you're not a trained brain surgeon or rocket scientist, the fundamentals of correct tag use can be quite confusing and cumbersome, but that's why I'm here! To guide you through this no doubt challenging and tasking ordeal.

So, you want to make a post on Steemit? Awesome!

What do you want to post about? Oh, pictures of cats! Can't have enough of those on the internet, wonderful.

Think long and hard about the very essentials of your post, the subject matter, the basic principles, if you will. Don't proceed yet, keep thinking. Think a little more. No seriously, dude, think.

It's a photo set of the cat you own because it keeps you company since you don't have any friends. What would make sense to tag these posts under?

Remember: the tags are there to organize the posts on Steemit - to make it easier for other people to find posts that interest them. Easier, not harder. We will be returning to this step later.

Did you figure it out yet? What tags should you use for a post about your cat?

"steemit"? Okay, this is going nowhere. But it's okay, we'll work our way through this, don't worry.

A photo set of your cat should naturally fall under the tags "photography" and "cats".

You see, now people who are interested in both photography and cats, can search the aforementioned tags "photography" and "cats" to actually find your wonderfully mundane post that you felt the urge to share with the entire world!

If you tag the post under "steemit", or "steem", for instance, people who are not interested in cats or photography will run into your damn post when searching for posts about Steemit and STEEM.

Remember what I said about correct tag usage making it easier for people to use Steemit? You can make a difference. Yes, you. Screw Obama, you can be the change we can believe in.

I am happy to answer any and all questions on the subject matter. If you find this confusing, don't be afraid to ask. I want to guide you all through this and make a positive difference.

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