Recreational Outrage at Emojis!

Whoever the emoji programmers are, their sinister intent isn't being missed by anyone who's paying attention...

In February on this blog, together we reviewed all the heinous and blatant examples of sexism, elitism, thinly veiled attempts at mocking politicians, and grievous bodily harm directed towards the children of the world.

The emoji makers sneered at the Geneva Convention, encouraged adults towards active limb dismemberment, and threatened (warned?) the citizens of the world 🌎 of the impending climatic apocalypse that awaits us...

All this, via the
"innocent cute little emojis"
we all have access to through the phones in our hands.

You'll find another one in today's post that implies a threat not just towards an individual, an occupation, or a gender; but to an entire Nation!


As a Son of Canada, this one makes my maple syrup boil...


How have they threatened this beautiful, friendly, polite sovereign nation?

That shot across the bow, calling for the death of Canada and all of its people, is demonstrated in their depiction of the central theme of Canada's great flag:



The ONE depiction of a Maple Leaf, and it's not healthy and green!

Nor is it a vibrant red, to reflect the warmth and love in the hearts of all Canadians!

Not even white, out of respect for the uniforms worn by the most beloved team in the NHL, the Toronto Maple Leafs!

No, no...

They made it brown. And dead.

Like some 'walking dead' zombie Canadian Maple leaf...


I'm so recreationally outraged I could
shave a cat!

Instead, let's all think of my favorite animal, the one that is the National Animal of Canada, the one that let me swear as a child and claim I was referring to its house (dam), the animal I came to love for different reasons after I hit puberty...


OMG. You've got to be kidding me...

There's not even an emoji of A Beaver!?!


Now I'm really pissed.

Emoji makers,
Honour the beaver,

Threaten the great and noble country of Canada with a dead, zombie, puppitized Maple Leaf, and then you don't even make a beaver emoji?

Rrrrrrrrr... 😡

Maybe I'll start looking into some more Recreational Outrage at emojis; there's clearly no shortage of them!

All of February was "Recreational Outrage at Emojis Month," in case you're interested in how those damned things corrupt your mind and steal your soul.

For those of you who enjoyed the CryoZone post, this clip is dedicated to you;

May it warm you up as much as my Recreational OutRAGE is heating me up right now...

Have an awesome Tuesday Steemit!

@scan0017 😘

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