Why We All Hate Mosquitoes


I have come to admire mother nature as the ultimate designer. Just take notice of her creations and you will know. Everything is just so beautiful and perfectly in harmony with each other.

One would think then, that nature is simply incapable of making mistakes, but I think, taking some things into consideration, that even nature is not devoid of that shortcoming.

I mean, look at a mosquito, for example, and you will immediately understand what I’m trying to say! Maybe this is just me, but I consider mosquitoes to be one of nature’s rare mistakes.

You might say that it is just us humans that hate mosquitoes but I’m sure the millions of other animals that get bitten would agree with me….if they could, somehow. Well, anyways, the fact remains that almost all of us hate this pesky little insect and although I don’t have to explain why, let me still go ahead and rant a little.

1. They Take Our Blood Away and Leave a Nasty Itch


Mosquitoes are blood suckers and no matter how little they take per bite, blood is still being taken away from our bodies and that too in one of the most itchy ways imaginable. If it was fat they were taking away from my body, I would gladly give it away, but blood? No!!

Have you ever caught a mosquito land on your skin and begin to dig inside the skin? Immediately gives you a crazy sort of an itch, doesn’t it? And the worst part is that a mosquito may take several tries before finding a blood vessel. More tries equal more itching.

Also, there is that bump that develops after a mosquito bite and if you make the tempting mistake of itching it once, my friend, you will be itching it again and again until more of your blood comes out!!

2. They Sing (Horribly) In Our Ears

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The fascination of mosquitoes with blood is understandable as it is literally their food. But in my 25 years on the planet, I have never been able to crack the code of their fascination with our ears.

I will never understand why they feel the need to fly near my ear and sing in the most horrible sound there is, and that too at 2 a.m. at night! I mean if it wants blood, wouldn’t it be safe for it to just suck my blood without waking me up?

I guess, they are just dumb or maybe they sing in our ears after sucking our blood to taunt us. I imagine them going, “haha, I drank your blood and there ain’t anything you can do about it, loser!!!”

3. They Are Not Fair

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One of my beefs with mosquitoes is that they seem to favour my blood over most of my family’s. Now, I am not trying to say that I am delicious or anything, but it certainly raises a question.

Therefore, I did what everyone does these days. I googled it! Apparently your blood type, colour of your clothes, metabolism and even your genetics play a role in deciding your favourableness of being a target!

See, even mosquitoes discriminate these days. Maybe I would have less of a problem with them if they just played fair! But it seems like that can’t be changed, unless….. I create a technology to change my blood group and genetics!!

4. They Transmit Diseases


On a more serious note, let’s talk diseases. Did you know that mosquitoes are responsible for spreading malaria, dengue, yellow fever, chikungunya, Rift Valley fever, and more, causing hundreds of thousands of deaths each year?

Such a tiny little thing and it can wreak havoc of such enormity. The diseases that I have mentioned cause a lot of pain and suffering to the infected. For example, Dengue fever hurts so much that it is also known as break bone fever.

Mosquitoes are found in a very high number in third world countries and it is exactly in these parts of the world that medical facilities are lacking causing even more suffering to the people.

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