I'm back! Re-connection!

I dear followers! I have been quiet on the net since I had no internet connection yet at my new place. I finally found a provider, they connected me today. I'm proud to have found this company who offers good service, attractive rates compare to big providers, no contract and encourage me to check my monthly data usage and to downsize to a cheaper package if I realize I don't need the unlimited one (this will downsize the bill too!) And for more, they have a referral program: minus 1$ on your monthly bill for each new customer you refer. Even if the person quits after 3 months for any reason, you keep having the rebate. They have been in business since 10 years and I never noticed their ads! It seems my brain had to be selective about all these information we are flooded with! (Sorry to end the sentence this way even if I know that a preposition is not a good word to end a sentence with ;))

I am back-09-08-r25.jpgTomorrow I will keep trying to make you laugh or at least smile ! :))

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