A Mount Rushmore Detour to Re-Enact Team America

Some years back, Amanda and I made a special stop at Mount Rushmore just to sing Team America songs and pay tribute to the most hilarious movie ever made.

We especially loved the looks that we were getting by a crowd of people who had no idea what it is that we were doing. I know I already posted about the Mount Rushmore stop before, but I just found this video from so long ago and it made me laugh.

I tried to upload it to DTube, but it took 1/2 an hour and then wouldn't publish. It gave me an ambiguous unknown error message. This happens to me literally every time I have attempted to use it, so it's gonna be YouTube to Steem for now.

Okay, make sure one's looking.... and GO

Sorry for the bad video quality! This was filmed in 2006 on a very early digital camera.

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