No: I was NOT Killed in a Bus Accident!

How can I, @NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself, be any more stressed out?

Allow me to explain!

Some people just don't know when to quit.

They need counselling!

They go around telling people that someone else was killed in a bus accident when that guy is actually alive and well.

Who are, Jerks?

Very good! You are correct!

Next category.

WTF Moments for $800, Alex.

If someone was going around telling people that you were killed in a bus accident, I'm pretty sure you'd want a few words with them as well.


Nope. Sorry. You forgot to phrase your response in the form of a question.

@NoNamesLeftToUse, your turn to choose.

WTF Moments for $1000.

Were you killed in a bus accident?

I was NOT killed in a bus accident!

I think it's my turn to start asking the questions around here, Alex.

Is this The Walking Dead Week?

Do I look like a dead person to you?

Who's mother dresses you?

Do people just casually get killed in bus accidents, then come on tv shows and just stand around acting normal while they question your stupid answers?

Does someone just slide out from under the bus like it ain't no thang?

No! They Don't!

Because they're dead!

One does not simply Jeopardy from the grave.


Where did you go, Alex?

Hello? Hello?

Can anyone hear me?

Is this thing on?

What's happening?

Commercial break?


Do I still have to phrase everything as a question?

Why am I on Jeopardy?

Is this heaven or hell or what the fuck is going on?

Some place in between?

Is the escalator broken?

Is it because I used the f-word?

Why was I talking about a bus accident?

Should I be talking about my day and maybe a few things about life in general?

Bus accidents that didn't happen?

Or, did it happen?

How could I even know that I was dead if I was dead?

Maybe, after they threw me under the bus, I did die, but I don't remember that part?

Maybe that's why it feels like I have a hangover today?

Was I thrown under a bus?

Did someone bused a cap in my ass after all?

Why can't I write a decent post today?

Is hell just a vicious cycle of waking up to write the same shit post day after day?

How many more stupid game show posts about bus accidents can one person write before people notice that's all they ever seem to talk about?

Why does my head hurt?

Who turned that tv up so loud?


Do I look like I got hit by a bus?

Chuck Got Dragged - Copy.jpeg
Recent selfie?

The end?

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"Can anyone see these words?"

© 2018 Two Insanity Productions.
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Update: I have no idea why I tried to play Jeopardy in the comment section. It just... happened. Please don't hate me.

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