It's A Long Story: Now Imagine How Shitty This Post Would Be If That Was All I Wrote For A Title

@NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself here again and today
I'm just going to bullshit my way through this post.

NoNamesLeftToUse - It's A Long Story.jpeg
It's A Long Story

I Don't Have Time to Write A Long Story

Even though I've already written those words three times so far.

A good artist knows how to bullshit.

I don't normally talk about my art. I rarely produce something, slap it in the blog editor thingamajig, then yap about it for three or four paragraphs.

Besides. It's pretty damn obvious what's happening in that image above.

Why should I sit here and tell you what you already know?

You're not going to believe me anyway.

Fine, whatever, I'll try.

Point form:

  • Julie was driving to work.
  • She looked in the mirror.
  • She remembered how hot she is.
  • Decided to take a selfie for Facebook.
  • Then some clown jumped out in front of the car.
  • Julie hit the clown.
  • It's sad because that was the clown's first day on the job.
  • He was fresh out of clown college.
  • Now he's flat and lives on a broken windshield.
  • He didn't die though. He's just different now.
  • Who would hire that for a birthday party?
  • Nobody.
  • Julie didn't have insurance.
  • That's why she can't have nice things.
  • A unnamed woman called an ambulance.
  • We'll call her, Queen Elizabeth.
  • She wasn't as important as she sounds.
  • Just a woman with a phone.
  • So anyway.
  • Julie's little toy poodle ran away when the first responders opened the door.
  • They found him at a bar later on that day.
  • Some dude was feeding him chicken wings.
  • Julie tried to sue because she insists her dog is a vegetarian.
  • She ended up getting Judge Judy.
  • That's another reason why Julie can't have nice things.
  • The clown is now hooked on pain killers.
  • The end.

That Was Easier Than I Thought It Would Be

I'm proud of me, too!

I did it! I did it! I've completed yet another post for!

Have a nice day!

Especially special note: I'd just like to thank everyone for your support. My previous post shattered my personal record for incoming votes. Previous record was 260 and now that post sits at 274. As many of you know, I post my material, then just hope for the best. So, breaking that record is kind of a big deal for me. I've been plugging away here since Septemeber of 2016. I've published well over 500 posts. It's a lot of work and it makes me happy to know that so many of you out there have my back. Thank you, for everything.

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"It's a beautiful day today."

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse. All rights reserved.
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