How to Avoid Getting Your Post on the Trending Page

@NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself has finally solved the puzzle.

The trending tab makes me hard.

NoNamesLeftToUse - The Untrendables.jpeg

To Start

From the beginning.

How to avoid doing a good job.

Step by step.

Tip #1

The Headline.
Maybe some people speed read? Are you here because you read, how article on trending so hard, instead?
example: This post won't trend because the headline sucks.

Tip #2

Make things extremely confusing for the reader.
Some people are simply stunned by default. It's best to be clear about these things.
example: You still have no idea how you got here, what you got here, when you got here, why you got here, who you got here and where he came from.

Tip #3

Stall as much as possible.
Only the strong survive.
example: You are strong like the warrior.

Tip #4

Use subliminal messages.
Some things are better left unsaid.
example: That sounds like a pipe tipping. Tip. Tip. Tip. Tip.

Tip #5

Then start talking about something else.
I took a fork button.
example: What the fuck is a fork button?

Tip #6

Eventually explain something.
He started to look like a blue Uncle Ben.
example: Nobody is afraid of a rice salesman.

Tip #7

Become angry for no reason.
Who's going to give a shit about a big blue rice salesman? Nobody!
example: I started to see red.

Tip #8

It's easier if I just draw you a picture.
Example: You can look down now.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Fork.jpeg

Tip #9

That's what happens when you ring the bell too many times mister rice salesman.
Some people never learn.
Example: There are plenty of other examples in the basement.

Tip #10

Rubber ducks make everything better.


During a battle with a strange new hallucinogen, a fight ensued. The Writer/Artist Himself gave up all hope of trending today when all he could think of writing was a shitty top ten list while observing strange bugs on his arm that wouldn't die. Then there was a knock at the door. The knock turned into thirty minutes of stuck door bell syndrome and a man yelling from the outside at the top of his lungs about how the bell won't stop ringing. That instance of disturbance quickly escalated into one bloody mess of a blue man ending up in the tub with the rest of the bell ringers who have not completely dissolved yet.

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"This article comes with the Untrendable Guarantee."

© 2018 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
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