Read for fun - Lion or donkey?

When i was a child, a small boy living a village at a bank of canal, studying in 5th class
i read a story in my beloved publication named as "Pakheroo". I am talking about at least 16 years ago.
Story goes like this,

In a village in the jungle, a boy and his mother used to live. Her mother was very pride feeling mother about her son. One a rat came into house and the boy killed that rat.
Now mother picked that rat and threw away from the home and spread the rumor that her son killed a lion.
Bad Luck,
Near to other village a true lion used to come and eat animals of people. People were very worried about that situation, When they came to know that a boy from that village has killed a lion, they told to the leader of village.Leader called the boy and gave him task of security of the farm.
Boy shouted a lot that he has not killed any lion but leader thought that he want to get rid of us and is lying. So he did not listen to him and ordered to perform security of farm otherwise he will kill him.

At night, In which room boy was to sleep, roof was damaged, and a nightmare, it started to rain and roof started dropping the water drops. This boy was very afraid of that dropping sound. Situation becomes like this,

A boy alone at a farm among animals,
Rainy Night
Leaking Roof and drop sound
Fear of Lion

Boy was at his bed and was saying,
"I am neither afraid of thief nor of lion but this drop is very scary". and for drop sound he used the word "Tubka". Meaning drop.
His actual statement becomes like this.
"Neither I am afraid of thief nor of lion, but Tubka is very scary".
By the way,
As per schedule, Lion came for hunting but due to heavy rain, he postponed the decision and wished to stay under the shed. Surprise, there was another one there, saying that he is not afraid of lion and thief but is of Tubka.
When Lion came into the room, Boy thought that there a donkey, He got up from the bed and got the lion from the ear, Lion decided to attack back but then he thought that everyone is afraid of thieves because they kill with no mercy, people are afraid of me because i eat without any discount to prey but he is not afraid of both of us. He such a powerful person, so to get engaged in war with such powerful person is welcoming the death.
Lion decide to let himself on the boy. Boy tied up the lion and came back to bed.

In the morning, people and leader of the village came to see what happened last night, they were amazed, lion was in the chains and ropes. On other side boy was having a good sleeping because he was not able to sleep all over night because of drop sound. After boy got up, leader praised the boy and whole the village thanked to boy.

That was just a funny story for me in childhood, but actually it contains a great lesson it.
"Do not compromise on what you can try to do." or "Not to compromise everywhere otherwise despite of your powers people will deal you like donkey."

I think this is enough for today.... Good Night

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