15 More "Fascinating" "Facts"

  1. The original VHS copy of the 1980s film “The Never Ending Story” was a Mobius strip, allowing the film to be played endlessly.
  2. The earliest QR codes, known as mosaics, are actually intricate maps showing directions to particular stores. QR stands for Quickest Route. People used to draw the mosaics on to linen. Now an app deciphers the code and directions are given by google maps.

  3. Po is the only one of the Telletubbies to have a country named after him
  4. The saying “to give someone a pep talk” was conceived from “I heard it on the grape vine”, pep being a miscommunication of the word pip.
  5. In certain parts of Canada, to celebrate turning 21, men have to snare a racoon by dressing up as a pile of garbage and grabbing it as it draws near. The man then has to keep the racoon pinned under his arm for the remainder of the night.
  6. The word pants is derived from “Prevent Ants” as original pants featured an elasticated closure to stop ants from climbing up the leg of the wearer. They were very popular among sugar cane works and those who dealt with honey.
  7. Bisons only give birth to twin male offspring, hence the name Bi-Son.

  8. The battery in your Apple device can be extended by dipping it in cider vinegar.
  9. The WWF wrestler Razor Ramon, real name, Scott Hall, holds the world record for facial hair per square inch – an amazing 487 hairs per sq.in.
  10. In 1986 Texans came up with the concept of various raw veggies and leaves in a bowl. They called it Salad which is almost Dallas backwards.
  11. Kilowhale is the zoological term for 1000 whales
  12. The DNA of chocolate is only 1.2% different from the DNA of chicken
  13. Overweight hippy crossdressers invented transfatty acid. It was originally a hallucinogen smeared onto bread at barn dances. Nowadays people use a much less potent form of the spread, commonly known as margarine.

  14. The English county of Wiltshire has been in drought since it broke away from the neighbouring county, Flourishshire, in 1807.
  15. The 18 holes in a game of golf represent group 18 on the periodic table: The Noble Gases. Like the noble gases, golf is odourless, colourless, nonflammable, and has a low chemical reactivity.
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