Less Than 1/2 A Picture

Does anyone really believe that a thousand words are worth one picture? For some reason I think the value has been and is being manipulated. I'm just not sure if it is the words that are being shorted to appear undervalued or if the picture is in a bubble that will collapse as soon as the sun goes down and an electro magnetic pulse meets every copper coil on the planet.

Now what about the word "sanction"? It seems like this would increase the value of words by 200% since it can mean the opposite of what it means. In fact, it seems almost every word has two or more meanings. And what about "live"? Live well and listen to music live. This has to increase the value of a word at least by a little. But apparently it doesn't.

Now what is really ironic is that sometimes it only takes three (3) letters to paint a "picture" that everyone seems to see. If I were to start telling you a horrific tale about people that started a competing currency and were arrested by the federal bureau of investigation and indited by the internal revenue service, you would likely skim right over the article and miss the plot.

But if I were to tell you the FBI and the IRS put the Liberty Dollar out of business, you would get the picture really quick.

Well, at this point I am running out of words and its unlikely I will be able to finish painting the picture I am trying to paint. So I thank you for reading this and hope it helped you spend some of the time you would have otherwise tried to kill.

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