Top Ten Stolen Vehicles

Recently I received an email from my car insurance company with a list of the ten most stolen vehicles in the US.

This list is usually compiled and published all over the web, hundreds of articles asking the same question is your car on the hitlist?

The most stolen new vehicles:

  1. Toyota Camry

  2. Nissan Altima

  3. Toyota Corolla

  4. Dodge Charger

  5. Ford Fusion

  6. Hyundai Sonata

  7. GMC Sierra

  8. Hyundai Elantra

  9. Ford Pickup (full size)

  10. Ford Transit

Whether your car is on the hitlist or not, it does not make any difference. I am not sure why my insurance company would even send me such an email. My car is not on the list, they already know that, but assuming it was, what would they expect me to do about it?

Maybe they want me to be more cautious about car thefts so they do not end up paying for it if my car is stolen...

No that's not my car, I do not go to that extreme, but some people do. In fact that email made me want to see how far people go to prevent their car from being stolen:

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