Did we get the internet back?

Remember the Internet revolution 20 years ago?
How you felt, how the world was open en connected.
Most of us stuck for years on Windows 12345.. (XP) or Linux.
Chat rooms and MSN, then myspace and other (local and domestic) social media began to rise.
Website's after website's after website's, everything was open en everything was shared.
There were no trolls, no privacy policies, no blocks, maybe a firewall.

Then there came fuckbook (first nickname Facebook ever got anywhere, haha)
And soon the profile was up. Innocent and shy you start to post something.
Then you hear "Ping", there's a pop-up saying He/She likes your post, and you feel rewarded.
It's proven by science now that such things on social media releases dopamine in the brain, did you know?

Then the second decennial of the Internet had started an I briefly had two Facebook accounts.
One of those accounts got quickly killed by the http://suicidemachine.org/
A website build launched in 2009 or 10 by the MODDR Lab in assassination with the art foundation I was working back then.

The trick of the site was that you could instantly and for forever kill your profile on Twitter, Linkdin, Myspace and Facebook.
All your data goes through the shredder, all you needed to do was go to "www.suicidemachine.org" and fill in your login for the profile that you want deleted from the Internet.
The machine starts running, the screen turns black, over the screen symbols start rolling and slowly but fast you can watch your profile die in code. Basically you let them hack your account and the machine removes it.
So the week after the launch, you can imagine, were crazy at the office.
From all over the world journalists were calling about the "suicidemachine" website and it took Facebook 4 days to write a letter from it's law department, threatening us with millions of dollars in fines and such.
So we found out about the FBpixel and that they never delete any data ever given to them and own the intellectual property rights of this data. Their policy and US laws were not something we could fight or handle, we were a small art foundation born in a squat in the Netherlands.

Twitter, Myspace and Linkdin were pretty OK with the website for a while, I guess it worked in their favor for that time.
The Facebook button became an empty logo after the 2nd week of the launch. We needed the suckers off our backs.

Then now... this Steemiverse..
Makes me actually feel a bit like how the Internet was and is suppose to be, for the people by the people.
Steem it up and steem it down, but don't loose yourself, be aware of the addiction of social media so that it will not become the asocial media capturing your life-time, moods and vibes. Then things become isolated and you need to realize "that only you are responsible for your own feelings as is anyone else responsible for their feelings".
You alone sees the world like it is for you.


Picture and story by me @ireyeye, I subscribe to @poetsunited @steemmonsters


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