The problem with the funny section. Upvote if you agree.

I am new here, but i have already found a flaw in the steemit system of rewarding content creators. At least in the funny section for that matter.

I am from the United States and none of this stuff is funny. Memes, weird drawings, or otherwise. I came looking for a laugh but ended up empty handed. Even when a well known meme is used (Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka for example) phrases that are not funny at all or completely lack wit are pasted on top. You can tell a mile away that most of these posts aren't going to be funny just from the title. But even when you spot something that looks familiar and think you have found a laugh in the depths of this abyss, you only end up disappointed.

Now I love the idea of steemit and this whole system of rewarding content creators for what they bring to the site, but it is looking a bit dismal. I don't know if this is because of the mere fact that steemit is not main stream like reddit or youtube or that most of the people posting to steemit are not from the united states, have no sense of humor, or are only concerned with "anonymously" communicating about alternative currencies and their uses. But the fact of the matter is that steemit will never gain the footing that the big players have if some real quality content isn't procured for the site. Even a flourishing community of "memers" would suffice.

As it stands now steemit is looking more and more like a place for a niche group of alt thinkers and it will stay that way, closed to its "elite" members, until said members diversify the community.

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