I found My ZOMBIE Notes from 6 years ago.


Zombie Notes.

[The of creator of zombies is George Romero]

George Romero Main zombie rules are, Destroy brain - keeps them moving. Most zombies should walk slow or there ankles will snap.

Weapons to use against zombies:

1. Axe

2. Beating stick

3. Knife

4. Grande

5. Arrows

NOTE: Guns will be no use, will be to hard to find ammo.

If being hunted:The less noise is the less zombie attraction so no screaming or guns blazing (if happen to stumble a pond one) try to be stealthy or brutal but silent.

How to survive a Zombie Apocalypse:

1. Always carry a Weapon

2. If Provided Bring some device of Communication

3. Always have extra water in a container

4. Always have a escape route

5. Always carry extra Weapons in case your primary weapon breaks

6. Avoid zombies at all times, only if possible

7. Dress smart, No baggy clothes, wear light clothing, (yes mobility and stamina is perfect considering    zombies dont get tired, and we do)

8. Zombies cant climb so high areas are good for use.

9. Zombies more active during the night because of the cool air and fresher air.

10. If needed to walk through a lot of zombies cover your self with there guts and blood.

11. If needed zombies away from you attract noise in a different area (set off a car alarm or fire a gun some ware away from you).

12. If you have a fire keep it a low fire so no zombies see the smoke or flame.

13. If you have to set up camp stay as far away from the city as possible

14. Zombies bite can be up to 600 lbs of force, So try to avoid there mouth.

How to kill a Zombie: 

1. Fine a well made weapon.

 2. Find a Zombie. 

3. Aim for the upper part of the head of the zombie. 

4. Swing/shout that weapon of yours as fast as you can and as hard as you can at zombie.

 5. Make sure the zombie is dead by detaching its head from body.

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