@snook's Pants Are Optional 5 Questions and Answers


What is "Pants Are Optional?"

So @snook has a podcast show that she recently started called Pants Are Optional where she has people on her show to get to know them a little more without talking about Steemit at all. If you talk about Steem, Steemit or Crypto at all, you are penalize 0.100 Steem.

The money made from the penalties will go to a Steemit Charity after every ten episodes are filmed.

This is a pretty cool idea and sounds like a great time. @snook made a post titled Would you like to be a guest on Pants are Optional? and during that post she asked 5 different questions and asked you to answer them.

Now to the questions

1. Would you let me slap you for a hundred dollars and why?

Of course I would. That is $100. There are worse things I have done for far less. I have eaten some pretty nasty bugs for free and been hit by some pretty big people for about $20.

2. What time do you normally go to bed and why?

During the week it usually ends up being about 1030-11pm. @faitherz33 try to get to sleep earlier, but that usually doesn't happen. Both of us have to get up pretty early so we don't like to stay up too late. The weekends we get to bed about midnight or so, but I usually end up waking up early still because the dogs don't know how to sleep in.

3. Favorite day of the week and why?

Whisky Wednesday is always a good day, but I will have to go with either Saturday or Sunday because Faith doesn't have to work so we can go out and do stuff if we wanted to.

4. What board game do you hate the most and why?

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Ticket to Ride is the stupidest game ever made. I ate dinner at my sister's house a few years back and she had us play this game and it was the most miserable 2 hours of my life.

5. If you had the world's attention for 30 seconds, what would you say?

Honestly it would end of being something stupid because I would get put on the spot and just babble without thinking. I would want to say something smart and quote someone important like Brooke Shields when she said "Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life."

So ya, that is my response to the questions for @snook's Pants Are Optional podcast series.

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