Tinder ruined women

You are not a 9 or 10 because you can fuck a 9 or 10 if your a woman. Tinder has 5s and 6s treating guys like they are shit because they can get 8s 9s and 10s with the swipe of a finger. This kind of spoiled sexual behavior has completely thrown a wrench in the natural order of things. This is like the argument that people make against open for men. If guys expose themselves to open at a young age they will think that's how women should look and act and it's damaging.
What we have now is a situation with women that's even worse. A girl can have 2 or 3 one night stands a night without any social repercussion. This seems it would be a win for feminism but what it does is gives a unrealistic view of what they have to look forward to inn an actual relatioinship.
Any woman who does not believe me try to date the hottest guy you hook up with on tinder and see if you succeed. Guys are used to working for it and now we have no shot at Getting a girls attention because there are lines of guys waiting to hook up.
All of the sexy has left sex. It's no longer a adventure getting laid it's become a detached process that doesn't look past superficial things.
You can't even talk to a girl because her inbox is Filled with messages from thirsty guys completely full of things like your sexy or your beautiful.
Women we as men think you all are beautiful but you could do what tinder does by just walking up to a guy and saying let's goto your house right now. It's just not fun anymore guys are using the numbers game and spam girls and girls are confusing the man's natural inclinations to have sex as much as available as some special talent on their part to attract men. I habe worked with too many stuck up girls that think they are the shit because they have both guys on tinder match up with them. Us normal guys have 2 options wait in line or avoid tinder completely.

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