Is Bitcoin Rat Poison or Is the Oracle of Omaha out of his mind? A case of extreme FUD

Recently, bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies were doing great , however pulled back a bit due to the unending hate /Fud from world richest people who are in panic mode for losing their monopolies and not really happy seeing the masses succeed in this new blockchain phenomena .
At his annual shareholders meeting, The Oracle of Omaha aka Warren Buffet (one of our words brightest minds) indicated that

"bitcoin is probably rat poison, squared."

According to CNBC news

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His above statement is not new because he has been a strong hater of bitcoin and what crypto´s stand for –maybe because he is too old to accept a new destructive technology or he is vigorously protecting his personal interest and status quo.

Most worryingly, his buddy and another world rich man and top figure Bill Gates (another very bright mind however turned Bitcoin hater) recently indicated that

"I would short bitcoin if there was an easy way to do it."

According to CNBC News .
The good news for Bill is that he can actually short bitcoin at Bitmex and thus free to proceed .

The conundrum, however, : are these rich men trying to protect us from rat poison or are they trying to protect their monopolies and status quo against the success of the masses? or are they afraid / confused of this new (blockchain) destructive technology ? Here is my take on the situation:

Power of masses: Cryptocurrencies are here to stay (blockchain technology) whether haters like it or not. The reason is that, the disruptive technology commands a huge support from millions of people who will continue to support the crypto space against the hate and lies from those who want to destroy the industry. Furthermore, the technology has led to new industrial revolution, poverty alleviation, and better security, faster, cheaper and safer transactions which benefits all without discrimination. Therefore, we all will continue to respectfully ignore the comments from haters, unite against such FUD and work even harder towards our collective success.

Do you agree? send in your comments, resteem and upvote in order to send in your support.

Click here and read my former post: Will Crypto´s free us from Government and Banks exploitation? : A case of Steem and Bitcoin et al
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