I spent my beer money on farworks


Well folks Ole Kim JUNG un done went and did it again. He went and fard one of them thar missiles and they said it landed in the Sea of Jaypan. Don't he realize that them farworks is expansive.

Man I remember last Summer me and the yunguns went down to Bubba' s Fireworks and
Chainsaw repair which sits caddy cornered from
Bud' s Beerorama. We walked in and man alive they was bunches to choose from. We ended up with one of them family packs as I went to pay fer 'em I saw how much it was.I told them yunguns of mine that they were purdy spayshul
cuz it took my beer money and half of my Marlboro money.

We got back to the house and had ourselves a good Ole time. They wasn't a far aint bed standin' as far as the eye could see. I even joined in on the fun. I got me a piece of Pvc pipe and took the boddle rockits and I was sending them every where. I did accidentally set the neighbors yard on far trying to skeer of an old stray cat but we had us a blast. I guess I understand why Ole Kim Flung Dung likes shooting off rockets.

Seriously though folks what he has could really mess somebody up. Especially if he has one that can reach Murica. I tell ya if he lobs one over here
and it hits the Old Lady's fully customized
F-150.... It's on brother!! She didn't sign a no whoop ass treaty like Jaypan did.UHHH UHHH
NO SIR REE. President Trump won't have to worry bout Kim Flung Dung any more. My Old Lady will fly her self over there and open a can of good old backwoods country girl whoop ass. That is a fact.

We need to keep an eye on this though, it could hit the fan really quick. Well speaking of the old lady she is on me about cutting the grass. I guess I need to go now.
YALL have a good day.

Follow me @brian-debbie96

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