Success! I took 2 pictures of mountains from 2 completely different parking lots

Behold my accomplishment!

Today I took 2 excellent pictures of mountains from 2 different parking lots in 2 totally different towns.

Yes, on the same day!

Here is the first picture of mountains:

the first one.jpg

I took that picture from the Walmart parking lot in Frisco, Colorado. It was a tricky shot but as you can see I managed to pull it off very well. Nice colors there. I especially like how the sky is blue and the Walmart sign is also blue. Pretty proud of this one.

Here is the second picture of mountains:

the second one.jpg

I took that picture from the REI parking lot in Silverthorne, Colorado.

You’re probably wondering, how did he manage to get all the way from that Walmart in Frisco to that REI in Silverthorne, on the same day? Well let me tell you, it was no easy task. First, I had to get in my car and drive there. I bet it took me at least 10 minutes, and I had to keep my eyes on the road and stay more or less in my lane the entire time. You would not believe how bad some of these greenhorn Colorado cockgobblers are at driving in the mountains. Oh no, the road has snow on it and it’s going down a 6% grade and turning at the same time, I better ride my brakes for the next 5 miles right here in the hammer lane so I’m not too close to that big scary cliff over there even though there’s a goddamn guardrail that you couldn’t drive a fucking runaway truck through even if you were Jason H. Statham and the script said you had to. Second, I had to park more or less in a legal parking spot. Third, I had to open my car door, get out and stand upright without slipping on any ice, and pull out my phone.

And then, of course, I took that amazing picture you see up there. ^^

You’re probably also wondering why I went to Walmart and REI. Well, I was fresh out of peanut butter, coffee, hot sauce, and lightly salted almonds, all of which I need to climb mountains, so I got that stuff at Walmart. I went to REI because Search & Rescue said I had to. Oh no, your old hiking pack is too small to fit everything you need to stay alive in the wilderness while wandering around looking for some lost greenhorn Colorado cockgobbler who left the Mount Elbert trailhead at 4pm and didn’t take a headlamp. So now you know.

Red Dragon.jpg

Introducing Red Dragon, my new Osprey hiking pack. 48L capacity. Lots of pockets and straps. Other necessary bells and whistles, including an actual whistle. Color is listed as “dragon red” which doesn’t make any sense because dragons aren’t real so their color can't be real either. Whoops, looks like Kevin the Mountain Goat photobombed this one. Dammit Kevin. Quit horsing around. It’s way too late for this nonsense. Go to bed, Kevin.

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Hello from the high Rockies of Colorado. My name is Brandt, pleased to meet you. I’m a marketing copywriter. I live in a little ghost town called Leadville. If you like mountains, snow, jokes, running, hiking, breathing, not working, taking pictures in parking lots, etc., then you and I have a lot in common. Thanks for stopping by, and have a lovely day!

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