Saturday Morning Fiasco!

Saturdays used to be my all-time favorite! Not just because of the no school part but the cartoons! I used to wake up all excited, just like I won the lottery, race downstairs and fire up the T.V, like a boss! Looking back, I probably looked like a midget zombie, tackling its prey, when I would pounce on that television!

I used to watch anything but a few cartoons that stand out are Biker Mice From Mars, Reboot, Roco's Modern Life and my all time favorite Ninja Turtles!


Boy, did I have some great times, huddled around that glowing box with my brothers, feasting on our bowls of sugary candy just letting our minds rought away watching those cartoons! Saturday morning was animated heroin and I was a full blown addict!

Well, I was going through my library of randomness and thought I would share this one to jump-start Saturday for everyone!

Please check out the original channel: Vat19

and if that wasn't good enough here is one last one to send you on your way, you freak!

And if you want to check out someone more messed up than me, here is the guy that created that video: Tony Kastaneda

Well, I hope you have yourself a most excellent Saturday and please don't commit any felonies!

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