A short love story

In ancient times where there was no human after the virtues and vices, floating around the world together and feel very bored, one day as a solution to the problem of boring intractable suggested creativity game and called it Astgmaa or vague, everyone loved the idea and everyone began shouting: I want to I start .. I want to start, the madness said: - I will close his eyes and start counting and you directly the disappearance, and then he leaned his arms on a tree and began one, two, three and began the virtues and vices to hide.


I found myself hiding under the stones and then went to the bottom of the lake, and I went to the bottom of the lake, And continued madness: - Seventy-two, eighty-one, during that completed all the virtues and vices hidden except love as usual was not a decision and therefore did not decide where to disappear and this is not surprising to anyone, we know how difficult Hide Love.

The madness continued: - Ninety-five, ninety-nine, ninety-seven, and when madness reached its count to: - 100 The love jumped amidst a swarm of roses and disappeared inside. The madness opened his eyes and the search began. To you, I am coming to you.

The laziness was the first to be revealed because he made no effort to conceal himself. Then the hidden leaf appeared in the moon, and then the lying came out of the bottom of the lake, and the madness of the longing came back from the depths of the earth. Found them all one after the other except love was almost frustrated and despair in his search for love and approached the envy of madness, when approached by envy whispered in the ear of madness Said: - Love disappeared between the rose bush took madness wooden thorn is more like And began to stab the rose bush in a reckless way and stopped only when he heard the sound of tears breaking the hearts.

Love appeared from under the rose bush and he was blindfolded with his hands and blood dripping from his fingers, shouted madness regret: - Oh God, what did you do? I have lost sight of what I do to correct my mistake after I lost sight? Love answered him: - You can not reconsider me, but there is still something you can do for me (be my guide) And this is what happens from the day goes blind love led by insanity and so when we love someone we say I love you madly.

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