My Boss got fired yesterday - My reaction was ----

What makes a manger into a leader? I have had my own opinions about this for many years and can sum it up in a short explanation

Great Leader traits:

  1. Always engages all who follow him/her.
  2. Are willing to get down and dirty to get the job done.
  3. Almost never throws any of his people "Under the bus".
  4. Takes responsibility for any shortcoming of his team and gives credit to individuals on his team that excel.
  5. Will set the example for team to follow.
    These are just a few that I can think of right now, however there are many more.
    Now let's look at the other end of the spectrum, the Bad Boss
    ![Bad boss.png]

The person I am referring to in this story really got the axe just yesterday July 24, 2017, and although I normally do not wish ill will on anyone, this dude had it coming.
He was giving the role as head of our department (CFO) just over 1 year ago, my immediate boss at the time was in the process of resigning and moving back to Australia to be with his wife and 9 year old son. This created a gap between me and my co-workers and the head of the department. This guy instead of replacing my boss at the time decided that everyone who reported to the outgoing manager would now report directly to him. (1st bad decision)

This guy over the next few months in his new role would often berate, insult and belittle all of the people who reported to him. In his opinion - he was the only one who knew how to do everything and no one else knew anything. In fact any ideal you may have presented to improve processes or cut cost were just plain stupid or dumb.
Needless to say, he was pissing in his own drowning pool the entire time. He went on to not only berate people in our department, but other departments as well, being in the executive level of our company, I thought he should have been smarter and keep some of his opinions to himself. The guy is from a South American country, that i will not name, that is currently having major problem with its citizens and could be on the brink of civil war. I had a running joke for most of this past year that this guy must be living out some fantasy that he is Pablo Escobar the infamous drug cartel leader that was known for extreme cruelties to those who opposed him in any way. My now former boss reminded me of this type of person.
Mangers should do their best to help and assist those who report to them, if they entertain and desires to become leaders they should try their best not to be BAD Managers first.

Oh well life should get back to normal now around here...hopefully. I had been here the past few months planning my exit strategy and thinking cryptocurrency or steem could be my next career move..
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