Know the secret information about girls. Good to see funny tips

Every boy says that he knows all about his partner. Think as much as you know it, but you still do not know. Find out some unknown information about girls-

  1. Girls use an average of 20000 words a day to speak. Where boys use only 7,000 words on average

  2. One woman dies every 90 seconds due to childbirth and childbirth.

  3. Girls spend the entire life of a year with just the thought of wearing a cloth.

  4. Girls cry about 30 to 64 times a year, and there boys cry 06 to 17 times.

  5. Girls lied three times a day, boys lied six times a day.

  6. Women's heart rate is higher than men. At the same time, the number of women's heart rate is higher and faster than men. No scientific explanation of this is yet to be known.

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