The Advantages Of Having A Muck Around Account! (G'DAY POST)

Yep, you read that title right. I'm gonna ramble on about some of the advantages of having an account that is your and (hopefully) only yours for mucking around with!

Now when I say "Hopefully", what I mean is that it is the account that is hooked up to various platforms via Steemconnect and no matter what some of the people would have you think out there, the truth of the matter is the following:

There is absolutely NOTHING on the internet that can't be hacked!

Simple as that.

So when you think that you are safe and sound and that everything is honky dory, well think again!

However, that isn't the topic of this post, sort of, part of it is, as you just read above.

So why is that relevant?

Well, a muck around account that is hooked up to the various platforms out there, isn't the account where a person keeps their money is it!

Well, I would hope not. Not the bulk of it, or maybe, who knows. I won't be keeping it here!

It will be tucked away nice and "safely" in my SP and wallets all over the place, so that if something bad happens to one of the accounts with my money in it, the others hopefully won't be butchered away and cleaned out!

So you see, that is why the above little theory I have about NOTHING being unhackable on the net MATTERS!

Sauce or Source or Whatever, you know why this link is here

PS. the link is there so that no wanna be virtual police officer comes back with a load of BS and NOISE!
& just a FYI, the link is in the HTML, check SteemD if you don't believe me, I didn't c/p any photo, so my advice to the loudmouths out there is "Go get a bloody life"!

Next reason I can think of, without sounding like I am writing this post off the top of my head:

It gives a person the means to just have fun, to literally "MUCK AROUND" or "JOKE AROUND" without anyone looking down on them.

Well, sort of.

It isn't on your "Serious" account and most people won't even notice that it exists, they may even report your "Muck Around" account as a fake account, as an "IMPOSTER"!


Wouldn't surprise me.

Or here's one that is even better, someone may report you for "Raping the reward pool"!!!!

Imagine that!

OMG, some people out there, they crack me up with their stupidity!

But seriously, and I mean really seriously, no BS, no Mucking Around, this is an awesome way of just enjoying your stay on a website/platform/social network, without all the BS and NOISE!



See what I mean, you can get away with murder by being yourself and not stressing out about what anyone else thinks or how it will affect your "Blogging Career"!

Yeah right, my "Blogging career".

ROFL (literally)

ohhh almost forgot: Source

Here comes the best one of all:


Pretty self explanatory isn't it, the code allows it, I paid for it, so to those who don't like it and disagree with it, go somewhere where you can make your own code and rules up and be the king or queen of the virtual world you made for yourself.

and here is your source source

Thanks to "Sa.... Sa..." for this gif, borrowed it from you know where, love it, perfect for this post and the serious nature of this post!

Do I really need to explain any more about all the wonderful, fantastic, great, cool and lovely reasons why having a place to just have a good time online and not have to stress out about anyone else and what they think or how any grammar nazi or virtual cop is going to react to anything you do RULZ!

Seriously, if you still need to be convinced, then man, I suggest we hang out some more, because I am sure we could find some really funny stuff to talk about and enjoy the time we spend together!


Ohh by the way, I'm not stoned or drunk, I'm just having a laugh and saying it as I see it!



& the Saucy Source

& remember:

& when I can't laugh at you, I'll laugh at me!

So, in my good ol' tradition I wish a:

Goodnight to everyone where it is night time, Good morning to everyone where it is morning and G'day to everyone else.

Yours truly



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