The Operation - And What We Need to Do Next- Get SBI


Read all the way to the end to find out how you can get SBI

Short History

If you came across this convo about an operation and such for the first time, here is a short history:

Our Venezuelan freewriter friend @cefralelo needed a surgery which got denied by her insurance. As many of you know, Venezuela is going through a lot of upheavals right now and the $ 150 needed for the operation represented about 6 months worth of an average income there.

While not a small amount, in the US and other countries, it is not an amount that seems out of reach.

So, I called on the community to step up and make this happen. As you can imagine, @cefralelo felt quite hopeless after the denial of her insurance.

To make a long story short, we raised a good amount and despite delays and inflation in the country, the surgery is done and was successful.

Now, all we need to do is raise money for the aftercare.

I was told by our Venezuelan Spanish Freewrite leader @latino.romano that we need about 70 Steem.

The always generous @thekittygirl already transferred 5 Steem after reading this Thank You Post.

And the equally generous @isaria sent 5 Steem as well after we had a chat in @thealliance group.

Thank you so much!!!

Now, to the update

From Her Children

This is a conversation translated via google translate

"Hi, Marianne. Her son writes to you. The operation in general terms went well. She had a hemorrhage that, thanks to God, could be controlled. She presented a lot of pain but the painkillers are slowly relieving it. I'll send you some photos





I asked if I may use the photos for this post. They are all taken by her son - I think....

Here is his answer:

" Real thanks, without your support this could not have been. Of course you can use the photos
Certainly, there are pending expenses that they had not indicated. They are approximately 3500 BsS that we are seeing where we get them. My mother should be discharged at the latest tomorrow. I will keep informing you
Sorry for not writing you on Wednesday or yesterday, but all our attention had been on this matter. Thank you very much for the interest"

How to Make This Sweet For You

As I said in a post before, my husband and I had decided to make sure that this operation can happen. having been both - very sick and without money - I know the stress that comes with that situation and really identified with it. That said, I strongly believe in community and that together, we can achive more.

This is what I decided to do.

You get SBI

Everyone who transfers more than 3 Steem to @cefralelo, I will gift SBI shares to the donator matching the amount they transferred. This offer is active until we reach 60 Steem.

So, you transfer 5 steem to @cefralelo - I buy 5 SBI shares for you.

Here is what you need to do:

  • transfer more than 3 Steem to @cefralelo
  • take a screenshot of the transfer - either in your wallet or hers
  • drop the screenshot into the comments of this post

I will get the SBI shares in your name and drop a screenshot of the transfer under your comment. If you don't see this within a reasonable time (12 hours or so) dm me or remind me in a comment on a recent post.

We can Do THIS!!!!!

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