Ithaqa Fundition Update 38 Life Got Crazy

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We made it back to perhaps the best page in issue 1, but who knows if this page will still hold that honor a few months from now, when we add the 12 pages funded by this fundition campaign...

I apologize that I've gone 8 days without an update, I accepted a lot of freelance work last week, because I need to start saving up money again, but didn't realize that I bit off more than I could chew.

In addition to working weekends for the past two months, I started a series of gigs that had me working from 9am to midnight every day. I thought I could handle it, or that if I made it through just one week, one of the jobs would let up and allow me to breathe... but that is not the case. Both jobs want to extend into next week, which should make me happy, but given I'm working this and next weekend, I feel like I need to drop one or I'll just snap.

It goes without saying that no writing has occurred this week, and if I wasn't so tired I'd be mad about that. It figures that as I'd finally gotten some new inspiration for issue 4, the powers that be would keep me away...

I'm too tired to do the rankings tonight, but we've raised 875.54 USD worth of steem. If I had been paying attention this week, I would have been tempted to sell some off when steem reached a dollar in value. Alas, we must keep pushing!

Don't worry everyone, I haven't forgotten about the Ithaqa Steemit RPG, I love putting that together, and will start to tackle it as early as Sunday.

Have a goodnight everyone!

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