Abhijit Roy: The Path of Liberation



America-expatriate Dr. Abhijit Roy (born 1971) has now come to Bangladesh to join Amar Ekushey Book Fair. On February 26, Islamist assassins killed him plannedly at Dhaka University campus adjacent to the book fair. Abhijit Roy's wife, Rafida Ahmed, was also seriously injured in attack by the attackers, who is also a blogger and writer; His book 'The path of evolution' (2007) is his. In the near future this February, a decade ago (2004) Islamist militants attacked similarly against Professor Humayun Azad, another pioneer of free speech.

From the early age, Abhijit's rise to the university campus. His studies at Bangladesh University of Engineering (BUET) until he went abroad to do a doctorate. He is also near the BUET campus. Engineer Avijit working in a company in America. As well as professionally, Avijit wrote only. Wrote a lot. From the blog to the research articles, from the Opinion column to the book. In the singles and dual publications. Abhijit Rai's published books are: 'The journey of the darkness to the light of darkness' (2005), 'The quest for life and intelligence in the universe' (2007), 'Independent Thoughts: Open thinking and intellectual freedom' (2008), 'Homosexuality: Scientific and social psychological discovery' (2010), 'Visions of Unbelief' (2011), 'Love Kare Kya' (2012), 'Biswas and Philosophy' (2012), 'Numeric to the Universe' (2014) and 'Victoria Ocampo: A Robi-Foreigner Look '(015).

Professor Ajay Roy, currently retiring. At the young age, Ajoy Roy himself has directly participated in the liberation war of Bangladesh. After this, throughout his life, he has devoted himself completely to the formation of people with great pursuit of knowledge and teaching, and to build a progressive-secular-discriminated Liberation War Bangladesh.

So, this is the moment of accountability of the child to the father of the child.


The whole country is still stunned in the killing of Abhijit Roy. The entire Bangla blogosphere, including social media, has exploded in protest, the writings of Abhijit Roy have been reintroduced in the power of all the many platforms. In many cities of the country including Dhaka-Chittagong, and outside the country there have been numerous protests since the human chain in London, Toronto, New York, Berlin and Sydney, has been held in the last few days. Online and offline protest has repeatedly reappeared in the hashtag: 'JeSuisAvijit', 'I am Abhijit', 'we are Abhijit' Right to the right to investigate and trial, the demand for security of the followers of freedom is the main at the moment. Sector Commander's Forum has come forward on the demand of Abhijit Roy's memorial monument at Dhaka University campus. A militant has already been arrested by the militants. The investigation is underway. An FBI investigation team from America has also been involved in the investigation to help.

After giving final tribute and farewell to the 'Aparajayo Bangla' sculpture, Abhijith Rai's body was circulated in Dhaka Medical College Hospital for the purpose of education and research. That was the desire that he had always done for Abhijit, who had worked for creating mass awareness on survival . The last wish of his family has also been given priority.


The most recent addition to the death of a continuous attack due to free radical attack is Abhijeet. But this is just a procession of death? Contrary to open-mindedness, the assassination of the writings by writing back the letter written by the writers of moral defeat is also marked by the murder. The idea that thoughts, images, or 'feelings' have to resort to violence to protect themselves, peacefully-rational writers and thinkers have to choose the way to stop the pen forever - the thoughts or ideas that are virtually incomplete and vindictive also prove that the killings In this context, Abhijeet's own self-indulgence is remarkable: 'Since we have started writing articles like' bigotry, fundamentalism, I am writing with life. ' He also wrote, "If the defeat guarantees, the power against free will" always ... trying to bite the last ... these are the signs ... their last time comes ... victory is our inevitable."

It is not difficult to understand why Abhijeet is dead. Abhijeet wrote about the marginal issues of science, the universe and the reality of our existence there, with religion and prejudice, with science fiction. There was not only a religion but his pen was against the dogmatic inconsistencies and intolerance of all religions. He wrote about the freedom of expression, and on it there are frequent global injuries, including Bangladesh. Just thinking of himself, and he did not take responsibility for himself, even if he did not do anything less, he would not have done anything less. He knew - how much the importance of communication between organizational initiatives, organized movement, and equal people And also the importance of creating a range of discussions with the opponents. He was part of several organized initiatives.

Abhijeet had developed the platform of the largest discussion of time in the world by a Yahoo group called 'Muktamana' on the internet more than a decade ago (2001). There was a gathering of thousands of people who had the pulse with Bangladesh or India. In the presence of all kinds of thought and meditation, he used to storm the discussion in the forum. It was a center for mutual exchange and tolerance. Besides, when Bangla blog movement became fully developed, 'Muktamana' community blog debated . Abhijit used to write regularly on his community blog as well as other community blog 'Sachalayatan' , 'Muktangon: Construction Blog' . When the 1971 war crimes trial began in Bangladesh in 2009, the Worldwide Supporting Citizen NetworkAbhijit and his blog platform 'Muktamana' became active partners along with all the blogs and organizations, as well as all the blogs and organizations in the 'International Crimes Strategy Forum (ICSF) '. Abhijit and his 'Muktmana' blog were active partners of 'Bangla Community Blog Alliance (BCBA)', a composite platform of progressive Bengali blogs on the side of independence . After the assassination of the blogger Rajiv, after the arrest of four bloggers for atheism, these Bangla blogs jointly took a clear, fearless position on behalf of the freedom of expression, and took the stand against the government's anti-Islam policy. It was such a time that even when progressive secular people did not open their mouths in fear of Islamists.
To know Abhijit Roy and to understand the cause of his assassination, he also needs to remember his organizational entity.


In the politics of the state, we see the constant competition between different groups and ideals. Someone interprets it as a conflict of power, as a conflict of capital domination, someone is as a conflict of 'all-there' and 'all-lose'. Each of these explanations of understanding the time must have their own theoretical toughness (and limitations). There are also other types of conflicts, along with the rationalistic worldview, the conflicts of blind beliefs. Theoreticians will say, this latter conflict is only the result of the above contradictions. could be. But it also seems that this second argument is also very prominent, strongly opposed, which has repeatedly appeared in front of all the people of liberty, and has become a reality of the existence and crisis.

This conflicting conflict that war gives birth to war is similar to all the war, there is also a martyr. And the basic nature of the parties is that the martyrs are all in the first team, and the attackers in all other parties. Where the first team believes in using their pencils, pen, cameras and speakers, and the second group selects them to expand their dominance. - There's a diverse set of dead bodies in the first team.

We know that bruno, Copernicus, Hypatia, Galileo, Socrates are spread throughout the history of the oppressed raid in the hands of closed thinking. But many people do not remember that list is not too long in Bangladesh. 1971's martyr intellectuals killed the freedom fighters throughout the birthplace. Prof Humayun Azad, professor Muhammad Yunus, Professor M Taher, Professor AKM Shafiul Islam, lecturer Ziauddin Zakaria, blogger Ahmed Rajib Haider, Ashraful Alam, Arif Raihan Island, Maulana Nurul Islam Faruk, Jagatjototi Talukder, Zafar Munshi gave death in independent Bangladesh. On the other hand, people who believe in the spirit of liberation war are getting the threat of life and death. Poet Shamsur Rahman has been attacked by militant fundamentalists. Blogger Asif Mohiuddin has been attacked. Dr. has been threatened. Ahmad Sharif Dawood Haider, Taslima Nasrin forced to leave the country, Taslima Nasrin
Seeing the list is not a problem, Abhijit Roy is not the only one, they are all free from the fear of freedom of thought and independence. They have to die because of fear.


Was the warrant of Abhijit's death warrant exactly? The sharp weapon of murder may eventually end up in the hands of a group of vengeful militants, but this death warrant is actually the sign of many people, which has been signed for decades. When the liberation war was going on to build a secular self-government Bangladesh against Islamist Pakistan, just before the defeat of the war, the Pak army and their Islamists had bitten a dying. Those writers-poets-teachers-intellectuals were killed and killed by the leadership of the country which is going to be independent, the leader of the secular free movement. In 1972, the first constitution of independent sovereign Bangladesh was taken in favor of secularism and a clear position against religious politics, But the position changed after four years of independence, after a counter-coup in Pakistan, the constitution was amended and amended. After this, the constitution of the second government amended the constitution, declared that Islam is the 'state religion'. The state does not have any religion, yet a specific religion was imposed on the secular state of Bangladesh, for its political interests. Throughout this time, in the name of politics, more than one lakh religious organizations have been established throughout the country, through government and foreign patronage, an untouchable education system has been expanded to spread throughout the country. Yet, a specific religion was imposed on the secular state of Bangladesh, for its political interests. Throughout this time, in the name of politics, more than one lakh religious organizations have been established throughout the country, through government and foreign patronage, an untouchable education system has been expanded to spread throughout the country. Yet, a specific religion was imposed on the secular state of Bangladesh, for its political interests. Throughout this time, in the name of politics, more than one lakh religious organizations have been established throughout the country, through government and foreign patronage, an untouchable education system has been expanded to spread throughout the country.

The country which has given such a big sacrifice to pay the price of independence, it was in Bangladesh that it was with all its power to create an atmosphere of secular freedom of liberty. That's not it. During each government period the investment of the state and the traditional politics has been in the opposite direction of history.

In 2011, a verdict of the highest court of the country (in the fifth amendment case), but created the opportunity to bring the constitution back to the secular position of 1972. One day that led the liberation war, the Awami League led government did not accept this opportunity. On the contrary, during this period, one section of the most intolerant of madrasa education system has been given the status of the existing education system. On the other hand, there is no provision of blasphemy in the constitution, but in the Information Technology Act (2006), a terrible provision of 57 sections, which is said to be practically a criminal act of blasphemy or felony. If this provision is hurt by religious 'sentiment', then he will be sentenced to 14 years imprisonment or fine up to one crore taka or two. We have already seen the abuse of this law when four bloggers were arrested harassingly in 2013. Christopher Hitchens had once again skeptical about the appraisal of this 'ritualism' based on the individual's own views, culture, and thought-based beliefs - 'Who will determine the extent of the punishments of guilt?' After seeing the medieval application of the blasphemy law in the nearby country of Pakistan, Hitchens needed to go far away to understand the significance of that question.

Abhijitra practiced free thinking. Their death warranty has also been issued in this way, step by step. We need to think in front of this section - how we want Bangladesh. Our next step will determine the future. But we who have walked together together with Abhijit Roy, they want to make a clear statement: This killing can temporarily stabilize the movement of liberal Bangladesh, but it will not be able to stagnate. Rather, it will strengthen the resolve of people similar to that. 'We will be doubling Falgun' - Just as the writer and filmmaker wrote, another freedom fighter Shahid intellectual Zahir Raihan said.

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