Blockchain A Quiet Revolution In Progress | Swarm Fund ICO


Blockchain Is Raging Against The Machine

Many people have yet to see it, but blockchain is the biggest passive revolution to take place in 'known' history, I would say history in its totality, but that would be a outright lie, as the history we've been taught, is mostly as shammery of half truths, where “so called facts are fraud”.

The blockchain system of decentralisation (giving power to the people) is a game changer to the hierarchical structure of society, which over the last century has deformed into a crony capitalist system run by, and for the money makers and their corporate holdings. With blockchain firmly in our grasp, the time has come to “take the power back”

There are many blockchain projects that are ignorant to the systems decay, or are only in it for the money. You can see it in their whitepapers, token distributions, rewards mechanisms (buybacks) and their planned disruption models. Every now and again, i'll come across a project that knows exactly what is going on and actually gives a BLOCK about making changes. Proof Suite was one of them, Swarm Fund is another. A browse through the Swarm Fund blog and you can tell these guys know exactly what’s going on behind the scene. With articles like Democracy is dead. What’s next? and Troubling trends in American politics. This is very reassuring for me as an investor, that the captain of this ship has a greater depth of understanding, as to what icebergs may lie ahead....


So what is Swarm Fund?

Swarm Fund is a co-op owned decentralised capital marketplace built on blockchain technology. Swarm Fund aims to facilitate a bridge from crypto to traditional assets through the creation of tokenised funds. Startups, hedge funds and projects seeking finance can tokenise their offerings in the Swarm Fund marketplace in exchange for financial backing.

Building Asset Liquidity

Swarm Fund will be building asset liquidity one token at a time. This system will speed up the process of trading, investing and divesting in a multitude of asset classes, yet to be seen in the traditional finance sector. Investors will have the opportunity to buy into fractionalised assets at a smidgen of the price offered in the old system, giving small-scale investors (who have been historically locked out of traditional markets) access to play with segments of big finance.

Building Asset Liquidity.jpg

Swarm Tokens (SWM) & (SUN)

The Swarm Token (SWM) is a ERC20 (Ethereum) Token that gives holders membership and voting rights in the Swarm Network. (SWM) also grants access to the Swarm Utility Token (SUN) which operates as the asset funding mechanism inside the Swarm Fund dashboard.

Revenue Share

The revenue share model is tied to the (SUN) token. When investors tie their (SUN) tokens to a particular project they are rewarded with the profits generated, allocated in (SUN) to re-invest in other projects.


Swarm Fund Token Distribution

33% of the (SWM) tokens will be available during the crowdsale, 33% allocated to the team and the remaining will go to previous Swarm backers.

#Swarm Token Distribution.jpg

Swarm Fund Allocations

Investments gained from the crowdsale will be split into 2 portions; 75% to facilitate and kick off the first wave of capital investments with the remaining 25% to cover operational costs (development, legal, marketing, admin).


Swarm Fund Team

The Swarm Fund team have a diverse collective experience; from traditional investment management to crypto development and trading. The team has managed billions of dollars of assets and built platforms that transact over $25 billion each month.


Swarm Fund Roadmap

The Swarm Fund development kicked off in May 2016, with the alpha testing commencing in November 2016 and private BETA currently underway. The MVP is set for a Q1/Q2 realease in 2018.


Swarm Fund Whitepaper

In Closing

I really like the Swarm fund offering, If I was to dig deep to find a critique of the project, it would be the token distribution allocation, which gives investors only 1/3 of tokens. That aside, I will consider the Swam Fund offering, as its potential to bridge and draw-in traditional finance could ultimately turn loose the doves of equality. Set sail for the ICO on September 7th at 16:00 UTC |

Thanks for reading awesome peoples.

[Disclaimer: please do you own due diligence when investing and don’t solely take my point of view as the only angle. I highly recommend everybody dig through the projects bitcointalk, reddit and team linkedin profiles to help formulate your own opinion – I thank you so much for reading and wish you successful dividend returns]

Ryan Jorgensen | Stock Photographer | Blockchain Nerd
Twitter: @CryptoDividends
Crypto Dividends focuses on the niche blockchain business models that generate passive income without the need to sell or speculate. We seek to discover and promote the best dividend yielding cryptos.

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