Once upon a time, a crypto story (bilingual in Jakartan Malay and English)


Suatu ketika ⏳, di masa depan yg cerah 🌞, panas panas gini keausan pengen beli cendol goceng.

Brother cendol berkata: tunai itu taun dua ribu dua, dua ribu dua dua "no cash, crypto only" pake duit cerdas 🏧

English Version

Once upon a time ⏳, in the bright future 🌞, the hot weather causes you're thirsty and want to buy cendol for goceng (Indonesian Slang of 5000 Rupiah / IDR, worth $0.35).

Brother Cendol (a seller) says: cash was so two thousand and two (2002), twenty twenty two (2022) is "no cash, crypto only" using the smart cash 🏧

You have to know

On Jan 13, Cryptocurrencies have been warned by Bank Indonesia (Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia’s central bank), against the use of selling, buying or trading, and reiterated that virtual currency is not legitimate within Indonesia, but then decided as future trading commodity.

However, this is the contrary to the fact that Jakarta (the capital of Indonesia) is one of the top 10 crypto-capitals of the world in 2017, according to IDACB (International Decentralised Association of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain). This means one day - I imagine in the future - crypto would be used as transaction payment in daily use, one of them using SmartCash the merchant focused crypto.

Original post you could view or like in my Instagram post: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bluev0cApJY/

Screenshot 2018-07-27 13.59.44.png

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